
Spring Boot framework and Mave. Using Thymeleaf template engine. Using JPA (Hibernate) for database operations

Primary LanguageJava


#bookStore_ exercise

Bookstore: Add JPA and database

a.) Add JPA support and H2 database to your bookstore project (in GitHub) by modifying pom.xml file. b.) Create an entity from your Book class c.) Add command line runner to insert few examplele data to your database d.) Modify properties to show sql statements in the console e.) Enable H2 console

Bookstore: Listpage

Create a template called booklist.html which shows all books from the database in html table. To show the books you have to add new method to controller that handle GET request from endpoint like /booklist.

Bookstore: Crud

Add Create and Delete functionalities to your Bookstore application

Cap view from main page Main_page

Cap view from add page Edit_page

Bookstore: One-to-many

Add crud repository class for the Category entity Cap view from add page Edit_page