
React Native (Hook), Socket.IO, Nodejs, Redux, react-navigation, and Gifted Chat UI.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my final project for mobile programming course at Haaga-Helia.
Using React Native (Hook), Socket.IO, Nodejs, Redux, react-navigation, and Gifted Chat UI.

🚀 Quick start

  1. Step 1. Clone the project
    # clone the project to your local computer
    git clone https://github.com/ashleynguci/realtime-chat-app.git
  2. Step 2. Check your IP address for backend connect
    # Type on Terminal to find the IP address, it looks like that: inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast Take the part/
    ifconfig (for iOS)
  3. Step 3. Change the IP address
    # in chat-socket.io/App.js/ line 13, change the IP that you found above, and add to the link below, remember add :3001 at the end
    const socket = io("");
  4. Step 4. Run backend
    # go to socket.io-backend
    node server.js
  5. Step 5. Run frontend
    # go to chat-socket.io
    npm install
    npm start