
Create a shim set using node.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

shimly dependency Status

Create a JavaScript shim set using node.

List of shims:

  • Array.isArray (Array.isArray() - MDN)
  • Array.every (Array.prototype.every() - MDN)
  • Array.filter (Array.prototype.filter() - MDN)
  • Array.forEach (Array.prototype.forEach() - MDN)
  • Array.indexOf (Array.prototype.indexOf() - MDN)
  • Array.map (Array.prototype.map() - MDN)
  • Array.reduce (Array.prototype.reduce() - MDN)
  • Array.some (Array.prototype.some() - MDN)
  • Element.classList (Element.classList - Eli Grey's classList.js)
  • Fetch API (fetch()Github polyfill)
  • Function.bind (Function.prototype.bind() -MDN)
  • Object.assign (Object.assign() - MDN)
  • JSON (JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() - Douglas Crockford's JSON 2)
  • localStorage (Window.localStorage and Window.sessionStorage polyfill via cookies - Remy Sharp's Gist)
  • requestAnimationFrame (Window.requestAnimationFrame() polyfill Paul Irish's Gist)
  • EventListener (EventListener polyfill – Jonathan Neal)
  • Document.getElementsByClassName (getElementsByClassName polyfill – SitePoint)
  • String.trim (String.prototype.trim()MDN)


$ npm install shimly


shimly.shim(shims, minify, destination); //create shim set
shimly.list(); //lists available shims


// ...
    var shimly = require('shimly')

	shimly.shim(['Array.every', 'Array.forEach'], false, 'shims.js');
// ...


Usage: shimly [options]


  -h, --help            output usage information
  -V, --version         output the version number
  -m, --minify          Minify
  -s, --shims <items>   Add the specified shims, comma separted
  -o, --output [value]  Output file
shimly -m -o file.js -s Array.every,JSON