
To Run:

Compile in the command line with the following command: g++ program5.cpp PageTables.cpp -std=c++14

To run the program with the included input files, type in either of the following: ./a.out VSWSsystemTrace.txt or ./a.out VSWSsystemTrace2.txt

What does this do?

This program will run through an input file of format to simulate the variable-interval sampled working set policy. The VSWS is designed to minimize thrashing by dynamically adjust the resident set of pages for each process in such a way to maximize the chances of a processes’ working set to be included within its resident set.

Input File Format:

process ID, operation, page/size.

The process ID states which processes is being used. The operation will either be n (new process), r (read), w (write), or t (terminate).


            3          n          22
            3          r           1
            3          w          10
            3          w          10
            3          t          -1
  1. Create a new process, process 3, that is 22 virtual pages in length. That means a page table with 22 entries must be created for process 3.
  2. Process 3 wants to read from virtual page 1. Page 1 needs to be assigned to an available page frame (page fault). Set use bit for page 1 to 1.
  3. Process 3 wants to write to virtual page 10. Page 10 needs to be assigned to an available page frame (page fault). Set use bit for page 10 to 1.
  4. Process 3 wants to write again to virtual page 10. Page 10 should already occupy a frame. Set use bit for page 10 to 1.
  5. Process 3 wants to terminate. All page frames assigned to process 3 will be released.

The results will be in a file called status.txt. One is included in this repository to show how the results are formatted.