
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Test Server

You can run the test server by running node index.js. There's also a Repl.it linked to this repo here


So it seems like we are having issues accessing the context of the middleware functions that are implemented in the controller testController.js file

Right now we want to use the internal express code (currently hosted in the express-observer directory to be able to keep track of changes to the request and response objects, between each middleware function.

The way we're testing this is by setting up a dummy server and sending a request to localhost:3003. We're tracking the execution of functions through the layer.handle_request method (link), and logging to the console everytime we hit a new layer. We're able to see the express init and query functions execute, but when we get to the router, we can't access any of the middleware/controller methods.

So long story short, our questions is: Where in the express code do routers/controllers/middleware functions get executed?