
Primary LanguageJavaScript

🌸 pppoems 🌼


Wallflower is a web app that will allow users to view and post poems based on a given prompt. Users can register and login. Once they're logged in, they can create a poem or view what others have written.

Data Model

I'll be storing Prompts, Users and Poems.

  • each Prompt can have multiple Poems (via references)
  • each User can have multiple Poems (via references)

an example Prompt:

    title: 'write a poem with 3 rhymes',
    poems: //an array of references to Poem documents

an example User:

    name: 'jane doe',
    userID:  //generated UUID
    poems: //an array of references to Poem documents

an example Poem:

  user: // a reference to a User object
  prompt: //a reference to a Prompt object
  body: "this is a poem.",
  likes: 4

First Draft Schema

Link to Schema


Homepage (after logging in) home page

Page for a specific Prompt prompt page

Page for a specific User user page

Site map

site map

User stories

  1. as a User, I can create a new poem based on a given prompt
  2. as a User, I can view all of the poems that respond to a given prompt
  3. as a User, I can move the poems on a prompt page to display it the way I like
  4. as a User, I can like a poem (tentative)

Research Topics

  • (3 points) Client-side JavaScript library
    • Quill.js as the text editor for users to submit poems
    • Interact.js to allow poems to be draggable (tentative...)
  • (2 points) CSS Framework
  • (6 points) Integrate user authentication
    • I'm going to be using passport for user authentication
    • I'll make an account for testing and email you the password
  • (3 points) Unit testing with JavaScript
    • Mocha
    • Chai (Assert)
  • ... for total of 14 points (more than required)
    • additional points will not count for extra credit

Project Requirements

  • (15 points) minimum 3 x forms or ajax interactions (excluding login)

  • (6 points) minimum 3 x any of the following (can be the same):

    • use filter to filter poems with most comments
    • use filter to filter poems with most likes
    • use filter to filter users with most poems
  • (2 points) minimum 2 x mongoose schemas

  • (9 points) stability / security

  • (5 points) originality

    • is not mostly based on existing homework majority of code is not from online tutorial