
Tools for managing Trello Webhooks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Trello List Auto Assigner

Assigns Trello card to a user when they move it to a particular list.

HookConfig - Local npm module to configure a Trello webhook for the subscribed list

CallbackListener - Google Cloud Function callback to add users to the card they add to lists, and remove them from the card when they remove it.


Node - Tested on v8.11.3

npm - (Bundled with Node) Tested on v6.1.0


  • Windows via Git for Windows
  • OSX - Users should already have Bash via the Terminal app
  • Linux - Many distrubutions include Bash, if not, you likely know what you're doing anyway


git - Alternatively, download a zip of this GitHub repo.

Trello Configuration

Get an API Key and Token

Deploying This Project

Deploy Cloud Functions

Push the Trello Callback Listener to GCP:

gcloud beta functions deploy handleTrelloHook --source ./CallbackListener --runtime nodejs8 --trigger-http --set-env-vars TRELLO_API_KEY=$TRELLO_API_KEY,TRELLO_API_TOKEN=$TRELLO_API_TOKEN

Once deployed, get the deployed URL:

gcloud functions describe handleTrelloHook

Updating can be reduced (although the above is idempodent)

gcloud functions deploy handleTrelloHook --source ./CallbackListener --runtime nodejs8

Configure Trello

Run the webhook configure script:

cd HookConfig

npm install

npm start -- --key mykey --token mytoken --board myBoardName --list myListName --callback https://myCallbackUrl/handleTrelloHook

Alternatively, you can set your Trello API Key and Token as environment variables instead of passing them via flag

export TRELLO_API_KEY='myapikey'
export TRELLO_API_TOKEN='myapitoken'

Clean Up

To delete your Trello webhooks:

Search All Webhooks

curl https://api.trello.com/1/tokens/$TRELLO_API_TOKEN/webhooks?key=$TRELLO_API_KEY

Delete By Id

curl -X "DELETE" https://api.trello.com/1/webhooks/<webhookId>?key=$TRELLO_API_KEY

Delete your GCP Function

gcloud functions delete handleTrelloHook


Trello API Docs



If you would like to make an update to this project, fork and open a pull request. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out (contact info below)

Contact Me

Andrew "Doc" Bell

homepage: www.recursivechaos.com

email: andrew@recursivechaos.com

twitter: @recursive_chaos