Cucumber.js Step Usages

This small node module helps you find:

  1. Steps that are defined but not utilized
  2. How many times a step is utilized (planned?)

Example output when finding steps that are defined but not utilized:



This is intended to work with cucumber-js version 1.x only.

First, install the module as a dev dependency:

npm install --save-dev cucumberjs-step-usages

Next, import / require the module and call the desired report. For example, this file features/step_definitions/hooks.js:

const cucumberJsStepUsages = require("cucumberjs-step-usages");
module.exports = function () {

    // Other setup things that you want to do goes here

Find step usages

You can find steps usages fast by running Cucumberjs in dry-run mode. For example: cucumber.js --dry-run ./features.