
This project is made as part of IBM ISL Good Tech Scholar program 2022. This Application allows the user to register for scrappage of their vehicles.

Problem Statement

The scrappage policy launched on August 13th 2021,is a government founded programme to replace old vehicles to new and modern ones. As per the vehicle scrappage policy 2021, private cars that are older than 20 years and commercial vehicles older than 15 years will be deregistered.The vehicles that pass the test can be re-registered. But those vehicles failing the test need to be scrapped.

The key objective behind the new scrappage policy is to figure out those unfit vehicles and methodically recycle them. The eventual aim behind the scrap policy is to eliminate the pollution in the environment caused by such vehicles. This car scrappage policy will reduce pollution and also provide other benefits. It means that it will enable to recycling of things such as steel, plastic, and other metals. The manufacturing cost will also be reduced. With the vehicle scrappage policy in place, it is expected that the vehicle sale will increase.

But, there is no real time applications,that allows the users to register for scrappage of vehicle in online mode.The project entitled ”VScrap” is a web application that allows the user to register for scrappage of their vehicles and schedule the date as per their convenience.

Team Mates

  • Anto Varghese (Code Section , PPT)
  • Abhinandh N K (Code Section , PPT)
  • Harikrishnan Nair K G (Code Section , PPT)
  • Ashly Elizabeth Sunny (Code Section , PPT)
  • Karthik Suresh (Code Section , PPT)

Personas of the System

VScrap is a real time project, which is useful for both employees as well as for the public who are facing problems with the current manual work.

  • Admin

    • Controls all the activities
    • View user details
    • View/add companies
    • View count of total users, total scrappage company added, total scrapped and number of pending requests
    • View a graph showing total scrapped vehicles per month
  • User

    • login/signup
    • Email verification done
    • QR code scanning
    • Scheduling date and location etc.
    • Can create more scrap request, if he/she has more than one vehicle
  • Company

    • Verifies user details
    • Move to scrap
    • View a graph showing total scrapped vehicles per month

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-05 at 10 40 41 PM (1)




  • Highly Interactive UI for all users
  • User authentication is done
  • Provide security
  • Improve efficiency
  • Provide high maintenance of records
  • Scanning QR code
  • User is able to select their own scheduled date and the scrap company
  • Verify the user details and give a confirmation message to admin
  • Can download the scrap certificate from anywhere at any time


Home Page

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-05 at 10 34 42 PM

Login Page

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-05 at 10 34 44 PM

Sign Up Page

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-05 at 10 34 44 PM (1)

Registration using QRcode

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-05 at 10 34 40 PM


Please find the presentation and demo in this link.