
A sample code to use multiple repositories and have one to many mapping as well in postgresql

Primary LanguageJava

R2DBC Springboot Webflux Mutli-Repo and One to Many Implementation

This project is an example for

  • Usage of Multiple Repositories based on context
  • One-to-many relationship between Postgresql tables (Person, Address) using R2DBC and custom join queries
  • Custom Row Deserializer implementation as well
  • Pagination has been implemented to fetch results

Note: The field on which we are fetching results should also be indexed or we see badSQL Grammar errors

Steps to run

  1. Setup postgresql tables (locally or on server)

  2. Create tables and schema using src/main/resources/sampledb.sql

  3. Run the application.java (note by default properties are picked from application-local.properties as profie is local)

  4. Populate the tables with dummy values.

  5. Use the following curl command to get the results and see it uses read db url

    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8081/persons?emailId=test@email.com'

  6. Use the following curl command to update the last name and see it uses write db url

    curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:8081/persons/lastName?emailId=test@email.com' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "lastName": "new last name" }'