Giphy Search!


You're going to be building out a Gif search using the Giphy API. The URL for the API is QUERY HERE&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC&rating=g

giphy search

On a successful fetch request, you should get back an array of objects, each containing information about a particular image.

  "data": [
      "type": "gif",
      "id": "l0HlNQ03J5JxX6lva",
      "slug": "bbc-wildlife-l0HlNQ03J5JxX6lva",
      "url": "",
      "bitly_gif_url": "",
      "bitly_url": "",


      "images": {
        "fixed_height_still": {
          "url": "",
          "width": "400",
          "height": "200",
          "size": "55556"
        "original": {
          "url": "",
          "width": "480",
          "height": "240",

Note: Notice there are many URL keys on each image object. The first url key, just below type, id, and slug will bring you to the images page on We only want the path to the actual image, which found at images.original.url. Using other url keys may cause CORS issues.

Your Components


Your top level component will be the <App /> component-- no surprises there! It will be responsible for rendering the <NavBar /> component (this component is already provided for you, note the project has bootstrap loaded in) and the <GifListContainer /> component

<GifListContainer />

A container does data fetching and then renders its corresponding sub-component. That’s it.

In our app the <GifListContainer /> will be responsible for fetching the data from the giphy API, storing the first 3 gifs from the response in its component state, and passing that data down to its child, the <GifList> component, as a prop.

It will also render a <GifSearch /> component that renders the form. <GifListContainer /> should pass down a submit handler function to <GifSearch /> as a prop.

<GifList />

<GifList /> is a presentational component. It receives data from its props and renders html given the input data. It can render a top level <ul> with each gif as an <li>.

<GifSearch />

The <GifSearch /> component will render a form that receives the user input for the giphy search. The text input should be a controlled component that stores the value of the input in its component state and renders the DOM accordingly. The React component is always in charge of what the DOM looks like.

<GifSearch /> should receive a callback prop from its parent. On a submit event, it should invoke that callback prop with the value of the text input. It is this callback function, defined in <GifListContainer />, that will actually query the API with the text the user has entered.

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