- Get the latest version of python in windows
- Create a virtual environment using the following command : py -m virtualenv env
- Activate the virtual environment : .\env\Scripts\activate
- Install OpenCV : pip install opencv-python
- Install dependency for OpenCV : pip install opencv-contrib-python
- If you have already setup the virtual environment,please follow the below steps else complete the steps for Cascade Classifier
- Create a folder named dataset inside the project folder
- Run the python file (DatasetGenerator.py)
- Enter the Id as person's name
- Show the face against the webcam and capture the frames
- If you have already setup the virtual environment,please follow the below steps else complete the steps for Cascade Classifier
- Run the trainingdata.py file
- This will generate the trainingdata.yml file inside the project folder
- If you have already setup the virtual environment,please follow the below steps else complete the steps for Cascade Classifier
- Run the Detection.py file
- The program will connect to the webcam and start annoting the user with the name
- Object detection using R-CNN & Faster R-CNN