🤖 NFT AI Image Generator 🤖

This is a NFT-AI image generator website.

Where you can genrate image of your imagination.

Just by giving name and description you can mint that image and view metadata of the NFT.

Project Explaination ->

1. First local run hardhat node and connect your metamask wallet with coonect button in the website

2. Fill the NFT name and Description of the AI Image

3. To genrate click on create and mint button ,the metamask wallet will open and click on allow transcation

4. Now click on View Metadata to view medata of the AI Genrated NFT 😍

## Technology Stack & Tools

Requirements For Initial Setup

Setting Up

1. Clone/Download the Repository

git clone https://github.com/ashpreetsinghanand/NFT-AI-Image-Generator.git

2. Install Dependencies:

$ npm install

3. Setup .env file:

Before running any scripts, you'll want to create a .env file with the following values (see .env.example):


You'll need to create an account on Hugging Face, visit your profile settings, and create a read access token.

You'll also need to create an account on NFT.Storage, and create a new API key.

4. Run tests

$ npx hardhat test

5. Start Hardhat node

$ npx hardhat node

6. Run deployment script

In a separate terminal execute: $ npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

7. Start frontend

$ npm run start