
In this project, we try to reproduce the paper 'Comparing Measures of Semantic Similarity' by Nikola Ljubešić et al. which aims at comparing different methods for automatic extraction of semantic similarity mesaures from a corpus.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Semantic Similarity Classification by various measures

Project by Roy Ash and Amit Binenfeld

This work is a final project in the course 'Distributed System Programming: Scale Out with Cloud Computing and Map-Reduce' by Dr. M. Adler in Ben-Gurion University [Spring 2021].

This work was implemented using Java, Apache Hadoop, WEKA and Amazon EMR (AWS).

In this project, we try to reproduce the paper 'Comparing Measures of Semantic Similarity' by Nikola Ljubešić et al. which aims at comparing different methods for automatic extraction of semantic similarity mesaures from a corpus.

We designed this project with Map-Reduce and changed some aspects of the paper by modifying the following in the algorithm:

  • Datasets. We used the 'English All - Biarcs' dataset of 'Google Syntactic N-Grams', instead of the 'Vjesnik' corpus, which provides syntactic parsing of Google-books N-Grams. Furthermore, we used our own 'golden-standard' dataset which composed of about 15K word pairs and their True/False indication of their relatedness. When processing both datasets, we used 'Porter Stemmer' in order improve the classifier model described later.
  • Methods for Building Co-occurrence Vectors. Instead of a 'window' of words, our vector will be based on the words which are directly connected to the given word in the syntactic trees.
  • Features. Instead of taking the lexemes of the context words as features, we define the features as pairs of words and dependency-labels, that is, the words which are connected in the syntactic tree to the given word and the label on the edges between them.
  • Classification. We went one step beyond the researchers efforts and built a classifier, with WEKA api, based on the scores of each combination. For each pair of words in the golden-standard dataset, we defined a 24-dimensions vector, where each entry denotes the similarity score for these two words according to one combination of association with context and vector similarity measures.
  • Evaluation. We evaluate the trained model by applying 10-fold cross validation on the provided dataset. The final result are the Precision, Recall and F1 scores of the classifier.



This Map-Reduce job is responsible on reading the input 'Google Syntactic N-Grams' corpus, process each ⟨word, dependency-label⟩ pair and count how often those pairs occur. In addition to that, we calculate the values count(f), count(l) and count(F) (= count(L)) from the paper.

Mapper input: ⟨LongWritable, Text⟩
Mapper output: ⟨StringStringPair, LongWritable⟩

The mapper receives line number and text structured like that: head word, [⟨word, pos tag, dep label, head index⟩], total count, counts by year. His output sends a bunch of ⟨word, dep label⟩ pairs, and the number of their occurrences, which for now is 1.

Reducer input: ⟨StringStringPair, LongWritable⟩
Reducer output: ⟨StringStringPair, LongWritable⟩

The reducer receives the ⟨word, dep label⟩ pairs from the mapper and initiating a 'Word Count' procedure.

Memory wise both the mapper, and the reducer are O(1).


This Map-Reduce job is responsible on features filtering. We sort and select the 1000 most common ⟨word, dependency label⟩ pairs (i.e. features) and omitting the first 100. We wrote and saved them on local HDFS.

Mapper input: ⟨StringStringPair, LongWritable⟩
Mapper output: ⟨LongWritable, StringStringPair⟩

The mapper receives the ⟨word, dep label⟩ pairs, and their occurrences from 'CorpusWordCount' job and changes the key,value placement in order for Hadoop with sort the output by occurrences.

Reducer input: ⟨LongWritable, StringStringPair⟩
Reducer output: ⟨Void, Void⟩

The reducer receives the pairs by occurrences order and writes to a local file on HDFS, so the reducer doesn't return anything.

In this job the memory usage is a StringBuilder that accumulates 1000 pairs and gives them index as strings. We assume that it doesn't take much memory.


This Map-Reduce job is responsible for building the co-occurrences vectors. For every head-word that exists both on the corpus and in the golden-standard we build 4 vectors, according to the paper's methods of association, where each vector represents differently the word in the embedded space.

Mapper (Record Filter) input: ⟨LongWritable, Text⟩
Mapper (count(l)) input: ⟨StringStringPair, LongWritable⟩
Mappers output: ⟨Text, StringStringPair⟩

The first mapper receives as input the 'Google Syntactic N-Grams' corpus and sends pairs of head-word, and it's features in order to calculate count(f) in the reducer.
The second mapper receives the output from 'CorpusWordCount' job and sends the count(l) value for each word from the corpus.

Reducer input: ⟨Text, StringStringPair⟩
Reducer output: ⟨Text, VectorsQuadruple⟩

The reducer receives the output from both mappers, creates 4 vectors for each head-word and calculates 4 different measures of association with each feature. It returns as output the head-word, and it's 4 vectors.

When considering memory, for every word we create 4 arrays with 1000 cells each, each cell is of type long or double , each of them has size of 8 bytes, that means that in any given moment we hold about 8 * 1000 * 4 = 32000 bytes (not included JVM's overhead) in memory.
in addition, we hold 2 more things: the 1000 features, and their index produced in the former stage and long array of 1000 cells (8000 bytes) holding per feature's index its count(f), that's not too much for any computer capable of running Hadoop.


This Map-Reduce job is responsible for building the distance and similarity 24-dimension vector for each pair of words.

Mapper input: ⟨Text, VectorsQuadruple⟩
Mappers output: ⟨StringBooleanPair, StringVectorsQuadruplePair⟩

The mapper receives head-word and its 4-vectors. It sends to the reducer for each head-word connected neighbor the neighbor as key and the head-word and it's 4-vectors as value.

Reducer input: ⟨StringBooleanPair, StringVectorsQuadruplePair⟩
Reducer output: ⟨ArrayWritable, BooleanWritable⟩

The reducer calculates the 24-dimension vector for each pair of words.

In the memory section, the mapper holds at any time 1 word and 4 vectors with 1000 cells each (32000 bytes), and the reducer holds at any time 2 words and their 4-vectors (64000 bytes).
In addition to that, we created 1 double array with 24 cells and 10 arrays with 4 cells each, that means (24 + 10 * 4) * 8 = 512 bytes.

WEKA Classification

Training model with MLP and calculating precision, recall and F1 metrics.



With combiners
Map input records 267,275,914
Map output records 1,872,999,026
Map output bytes 43,157,067,308
Combine input records 1,917,797,697
Combine output records 74,339,362
Map output materialized bytes 285,726,525
Reduce input records 29,540,691
Reduce output records 3,797,550


Without combiners
Map input records 3,797,550
Map output records 2,706,127
Map output bytes 57,004,115
Map output materialized bytes 29,438,936
Reduce input records 1,100
Reduce output records 0


Without combiners
Map input records 271,073,464
Map output records 212,334,539
Map output bytes 3,530,176,075
Map output materialized bytes 719,614,032
Reduce input records 212,334,539
Reduce output records 4,953


Without combiners
Map input records 4,953
Map output records 19,302
Map output bytes 618,221,601
Map output materialized bytes 193,461,967
Reduce input records 19,302
Reduce output records 13,862


For 15/99 parts of the corpus (that have been uploaded to S3)

Took about 33 minutes in Amazon EMR with 6 instances of type C5XLarge.

=== Summary ===

Correctly Classified Instances 2475 89.2857 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 297 10.7143 %
Kappa statistic 0.0282
K&B Relative Info Score -18.2087 %
K&B Information Score -245.7164 bits -0.0886 bits/instance
Class complexity | order 0 1349.4445 bits 0.4868 bits/instance
Class complexity | scheme 1351.6646 bits 0.4876 bits/instance
Complexity improvement (Sf) -2.2201 bits -0.0008 bits/instance
Mean absolute error 0.1795
Root mean squared error 0.3067
Relative absolute error 94.8381 %
Root relative squared error 99.7635 %
Total Number of Instances 2772

=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===

TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC Area PRC Area Class
0.02 0.004 0.375 0.02 0.039 0.067 0.597 0.168 true
0.996 0.98 0.896 0.996 0.943 0.067 0.597 0.92 false
Weighted Avg. 0.893 0.876 0.841 0.893 0.848 0.067 0.597 0.84

For only 1 part

Took about 5 minutes in Amazon EMR with 6 instances of type C5XLarge.

=== Summary ===

Correctly Classified Instances 2470 90.7088 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 253 9.2912 %
Kappa statistic 0.0278
K&B Relative Info Score -20.3396 %
K&B Information Score -249.7486 bits -0.0917 bits/instance
Class complexity | order 0 1227.8909 bits 0.4509 bits/instance
Class complexity | scheme 1230.0967 bits 0.4517 bits/instance
Complexity improvement (Sf) -2.2058 bits -0.0008 bits/instance
Mean absolute error 0.1636
Root mean squared error 0.29
Relative absolute error 95.5628 %
Root relative squared error 99.1959 %
Total Number of Instances 2723

TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC Area PRC Area Class
0.016 0 1 0.016 0.031 0.119 0.583 0.139 true
1 0.984 0.907 1 0.951 0.119 0.583 0.926 false
Weighted Avg. 0.907 0.892 0.916 0.907 0.864 0.119 0.583 0.852


Examples of predictions of our classifier model:

  • True-Positive Pairs:
    • ⟨dove, anim (Pre Stemming: animal)⟩
    • ⟨pistol, object⟩
    • ⟨banana, food⟩
  • True-Negative Pairs:
    • ⟨appl (Pre Stemming: apple), pineappl (Pre Stemming: pineapple)⟩
    • ⟨jacket, shirt⟩
    • ⟨toaster, stereo⟩
  • False-Positive Pairs:
    • ⟨sword, anim (Pre Stemming: animal)⟩
    • ⟨yacht, anim (Pre Stemming: animal)⟩
    • ⟨helicopt (Pre Stemming: helicopter), nation⟩
  • False-Negative Pairs:
    • ⟨carrot, food⟩
    • ⟨wardrob (Pre Stemming: wardrobe), furnitur (Pre Stemming: furniture)⟩
    • ⟨jet, transport⟩

Running Instructions

  1. Create an S3 bucket.
  2. Compile the project and create a jar with il/co/dsp211/assignment3/steps/step1/EMR.java as your main class.
  3. Upload your jar to your S3 bucket (you can use upload.sh for help, it requires aws-cli).
  4. Fill config.properties file with the followings:
    1. bucketName - The name of your bucket you've created at step 1, for saving temporary and final results and logs.
    2. jarFileName - The name of the jar you've created at step 2 without extension.
    3. instanceCount - The number of EC2 instances in the cluster.
    4. region - The region of your cluster you want to create.
    5. isReadSubset - true for reading only the first file, false for reading all the 15 files.
    6. goldenStandardFileName - The given name of the file that represents the golden-standard for the corpus, must be saved within resources folder.
    7. numOfFeaturesToSkip - Number of most common features to be skipped.
    8. numOfFeatures - Controls the embedding-space. determines the length of the CoVectors that represents each word.
  5. Run il/co/dsp211/assignment3/Main.java.
  6. The final output will be presented within s3://<your-bucket-name>/logs/<automated-AWS-EMR-given-cluster-id>/steps/<automated-AWS-EMR-given-step-id>/stdout.gz file.
  7. The generated model is s3://<your-bucket-name>/model.bin.
