
Laravel ecommerce site with Products, Categories, Orders, PDF Invoice, Stripe payments, separate user & admin panel

Primary LanguageBlade

Laravel Ecommerce site

Description: Full ecommerce site using laravel, mysql, js & jquery with Stripe payment. Followed MVC structure. Separate login for admin & customer. Customer can add product to cart. Then checkout & pay using Stripe. Admin can add products, categories, view products, categories, orders.


  • Customer->register, login, view products, add to cart, checkout
  • Admin->login, add products, categories. View products, categories, orders
  • Stripe payment gateway
  • Separate user panel for admin & customer

Languages & frameworks

  • Laravel 8
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • MySql
  • HTML5
  • CSS3

Instructions to install (linux)

  1. clone the repo into htdocs directory

    cd /opt/lampp/htdocs
    git clone https://github.com/ashraf-kabir/ecom-laravel.git
  2. open the project

    cd chmod -R 777 ecom-laravel
    cd ecom-laravel
  3. open the project into VSCode editor

    code .
  4. Create .env file & add below stripe variables

  5. Run the project when inside ecom-laravel dir

    php artisan serve
  6. Create a database on mysql using php phpmyadmin & set below variables on .env

  7. If you don't have any mysql login password, keep the DB_PASSWORD blank.

  8. run the below command to migrate & seed. Check the databaseseeder for more clarification.

    php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
  9. open the project url

Project Preview: Home page

preview of ecom laravel home

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