Dynamic blogsite using PHP, JS & mysql where user can register, log in, post blog with images, comment, edit profile, change password, etc. There is a separate admin panel also where admin can approve user & theirs posts & comments and manipulate the whole site.
- 1
error in manage post
#10 opened by Hafidz-Kenway - 1
Admin Login Problem
#9 opened by mohammadsadi63 - 1
Admin Panel password.
#6 opened by shahbaazkyz - 1
Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens
#7 opened by shahbaazkyz - 1
error on registering
#8 opened by flawless-fafie - 1
Please include the SQL
#4 opened by njagte - 1
- 7
sql file for database?
#2 opened by ferahfeza - 0
#3 opened by lbaissac59 - 3