GIT Global

Set global user name and email:

git config --global YourUserName
git config --global YourEmail


git config --global ashraf
git config --global

Basic command

  1. add remote url:
    git remote add origin <remote-name>

  2. change remote url:
    git remote set-url origin <new-remote-name>

  3. "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
    git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

  4. delete a remote

    git remote rm remote_name
    # Example
    # Current remotes
        origin (fetch)
        origin (push)
        test_remote (fetch)
    # Delete test_remote
        git remote rm test_remote


  1. create a branch :
    git checkout -b <branchName>

  2. show current branches :
    git branch

  3. move to another branch
    git checkout <branchName>

  4. pull update from branch
    git pull origin <branchName>

  5. push a branch into host
    git push origin <branchName>

  6. merge a branch
    go to the branch where you want to merge then enter bellow command
    git merge <branchName>

  7. delete a branch(local)
    git branch -d <branchName>

  8. delete branch from remote

git push origin --delete <branch>  # Git version 1.7.0 or newer
git push origin :<branch>          # Git versions older than 1.7.0


  1. Show log
    git log

  2. Show a commit
    git show <commit_id>

  3. Show a commit like log
    git show <commit_id> --no-patch

  4. Show only commit message log
    git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit

  5. Fix the previous commit by removing it entirely
    git reset --hard HEAD^

  6. Delete last 2 commit from local reporsitory
    git reset --hard HEAD^2

    Here 2 is last two commit, if we want to delete last 3 commit then use 3