
Our web application acts as a bridge between students, graduates, and software companies, aiming to change how internships work. This is only a demo web application!! all info on the demo is fake

Primary LanguageJava

gitintern - Internships/intern platform

  • technologies/languages and Frameworks: • Java • Spring Boot(Spring MVC,Spring Data JPA,Spring Security) • Thymeleaf • MYSQL Database. • HTML and CSS. • Lombok

  • Design Pattern and Architectural Structure: Model-View-Controller (MVC): • Models • Repositories • Services • Controllers • View • DTOs (Data Transfer Objects)

*Demo: GitIntern: gitintern.tech

note: demo is not responsive or not friendly view on smaller devices, such as phones


  1. Anonymous User Main Page: Functionality: Unregistered users view internship opportunities. • Main page displays available internships for browsing. • Application possible only after registering an account.

  2. Registration and Confirmation: Functionality: Users can register as interns or companies. • Users provide necessary details during registration. • A confirmation email is sent upon successful registration. • Users must confirm their email using the provided link. • Confirmation link contains a JWT token(24H vaild) for registration validation.

  3. Account Activation: Functionality: Accounts remain inactive until email confirmation. • Accounts cannot be accessed until email confirmation is complete. • Expired confirmation links lead to account deletion, requiring re-registration. • Successful confirmation deletes the JWT token and activates the account for login.

  4. Authentication and Security: Functionality: JWT tokens are used for authentication. • JWT token (24H valid) generated upon successful login. • Tokens are sent via cookies for subsequent requests. • Token validity checked on every request using filter to ensure user authentication. • Expired tokens are deleted, and users are redirected to the login page.

  5. Role-Based Authorization: Functionality: Users have roles (Intern or Company) with varying privileges. • Interns and companies have separate roles. • Role determines accessible features and actions.

  6. Logged-In Interns Main Page: Functionality: Logged-in Interns access internship posts. • Interns can apply to internships once. • Applying form retrieve intern information and resume from database with ability to edit information and re-upload mew resume. • Applying form updates user information across the platform if intern change it.

  7. Internship Application Management: Functionality: Interns view and manage their internship applications. • Dedicated page displays submitted applications and statuses. • Dedicated page view the application. • Interns receive emails for application approval/rejection. • After application approval companies will contact interns for next steps (interview, exam).

  8. Company Functionality: Functionality: Companies can post, view, and manage internships. • Companies can create new internship opportunity. • Internship can be viewed and edited by the respective company. • Dedicated page displays All owned internships to the company. • Received applications for each internship are accessible for every internship separately. • Dedicated page view the application.

  9. Application Status Update: Functionality: Companies can approve or reject applications. • Companies can update application statuses from default (pending) to (approved, rejected). • After the update, interns receive emails for application approval/rejection.

  10. Company Profile: Functionality: Companies have profile pages with editable information. • Profile page contains company details. • Companies can edit and view their information.

  11. Intern Profile: Functionality: Interns have profile pages with editable information. • Profile page contains intern details and resume view or upload. • Interns can edit and view their information.


Enjoy coding!