Backend Development:

Set Up the Project:

  • Spring Boot
  • Java 17.
  • spring web (mvc, restFul)
  • spring Data JPA

Database Setup:

  • Use PostgreSQL as the database.

  • table: "users"

  • Fields: id, first_name, last_name, password, and username.

  • Ensure username uniqueness with a unique constraint.

  • Create an index for faster username lookups.

  • DBname: usertask

  • username: postgres

  • password: admin

create table users (
    id bigserial not null,
    first_name varchar(36) not null,
    last_name varchar(36) not null,
    password varchar(255) not null,
    username varchar(36) unique,
    primary key (id)
CREATE INDEX idx_username ON users (username);

Design Architecture:

  • Follow the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller).

TDD Methodology:

  • Adopt Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach.
  • Write unit tests for Repository and Service layers using JUnit.

Implement RESTful Endpoints:

  • Endpoints for CRUD operations:
    • GET /api/all/users: Retrieves a list of all users.
    • POST /api/create/user: Creates a new user.
    • POST /api/update/{id}: Updates an existing user.
    • DELETE /api/delete/user/{id}: Deletes a user by ID.
    • GET /api/user/{id}: Retrieves a user by ID.
    • GET /api/usernameAvailable/{username}: Checks if a username is available.

Controller Testing:

  • Test the controllers using Postman.

Frontend Development:

  • Display a list of all available users.
  • Implement add, update, and delete users.

Form Validation:

  • First Name: Free text (alphabetic characters) with max length 36.
  • Last Name: Free text (alphabetic characters) with max length 36.
  • Username: Free text (alphanumeric characters) with max length 36 and uniqueness.
  • Password: Free text (alphanumeric characters) with minimum 8 characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.