Data Engineering Capstone Project
Data Engineering Nanodegree

Author: Ashraf Hussain
Date: Aug 7, 2020

I. Definition

Project Overview

Summary: On 31 December, 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) was informed of an outbreak of “pneumonia of unknown cause” detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. Initially identified as coronavirus disease 2019, it quickly came to be known widely as COVID-19 and has resulted in an ongoing global pandemic. As of 5 Augest, 2020, more than 18.95 million cases have been reported across 188 countries and territories, resulting in more than 0.7 million deaths. More than 12.14 million people have recovered.1

In response to this ongoing public health emergency, Johns Hopkins University (JHU), a private research university in Maryland, USA, developed an interactive web-based dashboard hosted by their Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE). The dashboard visualizes and tracks reported cases in real-time, illustrating the location and number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, deaths and recoveries for all affected countries. It is used by researchers, public health authorities, news agencies and the general public.

Goal: The end case is to have three tables (covidcases, masternode & hospital) data avaliable in Redshift so that we can build on my other project Udacity-MLEN-CapstoneProject to forecast number of people cases (Confirmed, Deaths, Recovered, Active), Bed Utilization Rate caused for COVID-19. This will help hospitals to better manage hospital's resource utilization.

Tools Used In that project we will desgine a ETL procress to import csv files form csse_covid_19_daily_reports_us by JHU which enriched by mapping USA Hospital Beds data from USA Hospital Beds - COVID-19 | Definitive Healthcare. The fact table we will use UID_ISO_FIPS_LookUp_Table.csv

This project will tackel the ETL procress using the following tools:

  • AWS CloudFormation: allows you to use programming languages or a simple text file to model and provision, in an automated and secure manner, all the resources needed for your applications across all regions and accounts. This gives you a single source of truth for your AWS and third party resources.
  • Apache Airflow: Platform created by the community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.
  • Amazon Redshift: The most popular and fastest cloud data warehouse
  • AWS Data Exchange: makes it easy to find, subscribe to, and use third-party data in the cloud. Qualified data providers include category-leading brands such as Reuters, who curate data from over 2.2 million unique news stories per year in multiple languages; Change Healthcare, who process and anonymize more than 14 billion healthcare transactions and $1 trillion in claims annually; Dun & Bradstreet, who maintain a database of more than 330 million global business records; and Foursquare, whose location data is derived from 220 million unique consumers and includes more than 60 million global commercial venues



  1. Don't forget to delete the Stacks, Pipelines and ensure that all resources are deleted this includes CloudFormation Stacks, S3 Buckets, EC2, and Redshift
  2. Make sure that region is set to US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1] else things will not work.

IAM user:

  1. Create a new IAM user in your AWS account
  2. Give it AdministratorAccess, From Attach existing policies directly Tab
  3. Take note of the access key and secret

Install AWS CLI and Configure

  1. Follow the instructions on
  2. Run aws configure
  3. Past access key and secret

Generate An AWS Key Pair for Airflow

  1. create an Amazon EC2 key pair:
  2. Go to the Amazon EC2 console
  3. In the Navigation pane, click Key Pairs
  4. On the Key Pairs page, click Create Key Pair
  5. In the Create Key Pair dialog box, enter a name for your key pair, such as, mykeypair
  6. Make sure that you select ppk under File format
  7. Click Create
  8. Save the resulting PEM file in a safe location

Set up the infrastructure

The stack resources take around 15 minutes to create, while the airflow installation and bootstrap 
another 3 to 5 minutes. After that you can already access the Airflow UI and deploy your own Airflow DAGs.
Total time could take up 30 Minutes and could the cost could Skyrocket if left running for a long duration of time. 
Setup Redshift
  1. Download Data-Engineering-Capstone-Project-Redshift.yaml
  2. Go to AWS Cloud Formation page
  3. Click Create stack
  4. Click upload file and choose Data-Engineering-Capstone-Project-Redshift.yaml
  5. Fill in the stack name as redshift
  6. Fill in the Parameters and click Next
  7. Don't fill any thing on Configure stack options and Click Next
  8. On Review page click Create stack
Setup Airflow
  1. Go to Turbine git repo
  2. Scroll down until you see 'Deploy the stack` and click Launch stack
  3. On the Create stack page click Next
  4. Name your stack airflow and set Minimum group size to atleast 3 and Maximum group size to 20
  5. Click Next. You don't need to change anything on this page
  6. Don't fill any thing on Configure stack options and Click Next
  7. On Review page Scroll down to Capabilities and check both
    • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
    • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND
  8. Click Create stack

Update Airflow security group to accept HTTP:

  1. Go to EC2 Dashboard
  2. Click Running instances
  3. Find
  4. Select it the Instance with the name turbine-webserver
  5. Under Security Group select the group which contains the name webserver
  6. Click on Security group ID for the webserver
  7. Under inbound rules
  8. Click edit Edit inbound rules
  9. Click Add rule
  10. From the first(Type) Drop-down select Custom TCP
  11. In the port Range type 8080
  12. From the next drop-down(source) select my IP
  13. Click Save rules

Accessing Airflow:

  1. Go to EC2 Dashboard
  2. Click Running instances
  3. Find
  4. Select it the Instance with the name turbine-webserver
  5. copy the Public DNS (IPv4)
  6. open a browser window
  7. past the link and add :8080
  1. Go to AWS Data Exchange
  2. Search for USA Hospital Beds - COVID-19 | Definitive Healthcare
  3. Click Continue to subscribe
  4. Click Subscribe

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to shutdown everything.

  1. Go to AWS CloudFormation console
  2. Select stacks
  3. Select redshift click Delete
  4. Select airflow click Delete
  5. The stack will shutdown everything correctly, do not delete Nested stacks or delete es2, s3 buckets independently. It will take up to 15 to 20 minutes to delete. If you don't have any CloudFormation then everything deleted correctly.
  6. Sometimes you will get an error DELETE_FAILED in this case you will have to go into Events and check why it failed to delete. There is a known error where the current Airflow is not emptying the S3 buckets if they are not empty. The workaround is to run the delete stack once then you get an error then go to S3 and empty the buckets and rerun delete stack.

II Database

Step 1: Scope the Project and Gather Data

The following datasets will be used:

Provided By: Johns Hopkins University (JHU) via GitRepo

Data Description This table contains an aggregation of each USA State level data.

File naming convention MM-DD-YYYY.csv in UTC.

Field description

  • Province_State - The name of the State within the USA.
  • Country_Region - The name of the Country (US).
  • Last_Update - The most recent date the file was pushed.
  • Lat - Latitude.
  • Long_ - Longitude.
  • Confirmed - Aggregated case count for the state.
  • Deaths - Aggregated death toll for the state.
  • Recovered - Aggregated Recovered case count for the state.
  • Active - Aggregated confirmed cases that have not been resolved (Active cases = total cases - total recovered - total deaths).
  • FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standards code that uniquely identifies counties within the USA.
  • Incident_Rate - cases per 100,000 persons.
  • People_Tested - Total number of people who have been tested.
  • People_Hospitalized - Total number of people hospitalized.
  • Mortality_Rate - Number recorded deaths * 100/ Number confirmed cases.
  • UID - Unique Identifier for each row entry.
  • ISO3 - Officialy assigned country code identifiers.
  • Testing_Rate - Total test results per 100,000 persons. The "total test results" are equal to "Total test results (Positive + Negative)" from COVID Tracking Project.
  • Hospitalization_Rate - US Hospitalization Rate (%): = Total number hospitalized / Number cases. The "Total number hospitalized" is the "Hospitalized – Cumulative" count from COVID Tracking Project. The "hospitalization rate" and "Total number hospitalized" is only presented for those states which provide cumulative hospital data.

Update frequency

  • Once per day between 04:45 and 05:15 UTC.


  • CSV

Data sources Refer to the mainpage.

Provided By: Definitive Healthcare via AWS Data Exchange

Data Description This resource includes data on numbers of licensed beds, staffed beds, ICU beds, and the bed utilization rate for the hospitals in the United States.

Field description

  • HOSPITAL_NAME - Name of the hospital
  • HOSPITAL_TYPE - Type of the hospital (see below for different types)
  • HQ_ADDRESS - line 1 Civic street address of the hospital
  • HQ_ADDRESS1 - line 2 of Civic street address of the hospital
  • HQ_CITY - City of the hospital
  • HQ_STATE - State of the hospital
  • HQ_ZIP_CODE - Zip Code of the hospital
  • COUNTY_NAME - County of the hospital
  • STATE_NAME - State name in which hospital is located
  • STATE_FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standard State code (FIPS) of the hospital in which it is located
  • CNTY_FIPS - Full Federal Information Processing Standard County code (FIPS) of the hospital in which it is located
  • FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standard County code (FIPS) of the hospital in which it is located
  • NUM_LICENSED_BEDS - is the maximum number of beds for which a hospital holds a license to operate; however, many hospitals do not operate all the beds for which they are licensed. This number is obtained through DHC Primary Research. Licensed beds for Health Systems are equal to the total number of licensed beds of individual Hospitals within a given Health System.
  • NUM_STAFFED_BEDS - is defined as an "adult bed, pediatric bed, birthing room, or newborn ICU bed (excluding newborn bassinets) maintained in a patient care area for lodging patients in acute, long term, or domiciliary areas of the hospital." Beds in labor room, birthing room, post-anesthesia, postoperative recovery rooms, outpatient areas, emergency rooms, ancillary departments, nurses and other staff residences, and other such areas which are regularly maintained and utilized for only a portion of the stay of patients (primarily for special procedures or not for inpatient lodging) are not termed a bed for these purposes. Definitive Healthcare sources Staffed Bed data from the Medicare Cost Report or Proprietary Research as needed. As with all Medicare Cost Report metrics, this number is self-reported by providers. Staffed beds for Health Systems are equal to the total number of staffed beds of individual Hospitals within a given Health System. Total number of staffed beds in the US should exclude Hospital Systems to avoid double counting. ICU beds are likely to follow the same logic as a subset of Staffed beds.
  • NUM_ICU_BEDS - are qualified based on definitions by CMS, Section 2202.7, 22-8.2. These beds include ICU beds, burn ICU beds, surgical ICU beds, premature ICU beds, neonatal ICU beds, pediatric ICU beds, psychiatric ICU beds, trauma ICU beds, and Detox ICU beds.
  • ADULT_ICU_BEDS - are qualified based on definitions by CMS, Section 2202.7, 22-8.2. These beds include ICU beds, burn ICU beds, surgical ICU beds, premature ICU beds, neonatal ICU beds, pediatric ICU beds, psychiatric ICU beds, trauma ICU beds, and Detox ICU beds. (Adult beds)
  • PEDI_ICU_BEDS - are qualified based on definitions by CMS, Section 2202.7, 22-8.2. These beds include ICU beds, burn ICU beds, surgical ICU beds, premature ICU beds, neonatal ICU beds, pediatric ICU beds, psychiatric ICU beds, trauma ICU beds, and Detox ICU beds. (Pediatric beds)
  • BED_UTILIZATION - is calculated based on metrics from the Medicare Cost Report: Bed Utilization Rate = Total Patient Days (excluding nursery days)/Bed Days Available
  • Potential_Increase_In_Bed_Capac - This metric is computed by subtracting “Number of Staffed Beds from Number of Licensed beds” (Licensed Beds – Staffed Beds). This would provide insights into scenario planning for when staff can be shifted around to increase available bed capacity as needed.
  • AVG_VENTILATOR_USAGE - number of average ventilators are use

Hospital Definition: Definitive Healthcare defines a hospital as a healthcare institution providing inpatient, therapeutic, or rehabilitation services under the supervision of physicians. In order for a facility to be considered a hospital it must provide inpatient care.

Hospital types are defined by the last four digits of the hospital’s Medicare Provider Number. If the hospital does not have a Medicare Provider Number, Definitive Healthcare determines the Hospital type by proprietary research.

Hospital Types

Short Term Acute Care Hospital (STAC)

  • Provides inpatient care and other services for surgery, acute medical conditions, or injuries
  • Patients care can be provided overnight, and average length of stay is less than 25 days

Critical Access Hospital (CAH)

  • 25 or fewer acute care inpatient beds
  • Located more than 35 miles from another hospital
  • Annual average length of stay is 96 hours or less for acute care patients
  • Must provide 24/7 emergency care services
  • Designation by CMS to reduce financial vulnerability of rural hospitals and improve access to healthcare
  • Religious Non-Medical Health Care Institutions
  • Provide nonmedical health care items and services to people who need hospital or skilled nursing facility care, but for whom that care would be inconsistent with their religious beliefs

Long Term Acute Care Hospitals

  • Average length of stay is more than 25 days
  • Patients are receiving acute care - services often include respiratory therapy, head trauma treatment, and pain management
  • Rehabilitation Hospitals
  • Specializes in improving or restoring patients' functional abilities through therapies

Children’s Hospitals

  • Majority of inpatients under 18 years old

Psychiatric Hospitals

  • Provides inpatient services for diagnosis and treatment of mental illness 24/7
  • Under the supervision of a physician

Veteran's Affairs (VA) Hospital

  • Responsible for the care of war veterans and other retired military personnel
  • Administered by the U.S. VA, and funded by the federal government

Department of Defense (DoD) Hospital

  • Provides care for military service people (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard), their dependents, and retirees (not all military service retirees are eligible for VA services)

Update frequency

  • Daily


  • AWS Data Exchange to S3 as CSV

Data Description This table contains the UID Lookup Table Logic for Federal Information Processing Standard County code (FIPS) mapping to State, Lat, Long etc... .

File naming convention UID_ISO_FIPS_LookUp_Table.csv

Field description

  1. All countries without dependencies (entries with only Admin0).
  • None cruise ship Admin0: UID = code3. (e.g., Afghanistan, UID = code3 = 4)
  • Cruise ships in Admin0: Diamond Princess UID = 9999, MS Zaandam UID = 8888.
  1. All countries with only state-level dependencies (entries with Admin0 and Admin1).
  • Demark, France, Netherlands: mother countries and their dependencies have different code3, therefore UID = code 3. (e.g., Faroe Islands, Denmark, UID = code3 = 234; Denmark UID = 208)
  • United Kingdom: the mother country and dependencies have different code3s, therefore UID = code 3. One exception: Channel Islands is using the same code3 as the mother country (826), and its artificial UID = 8261.
  • Australia: alphabetically ordered all states, and their UIDs are from 3601 to 3608. Australia itself is 36.
  • Canada: alphabetically ordered all provinces (including cruise ships and recovered entry), and their UIDs are from 12401 to 12415. Canada itself is 124.
  • China: alphabetically ordered all provinces, and their UIDs are from 15601 to 15631. China itself is 156. Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan have their own code3.
  • Germany: alphabetically ordered all admin1 regions (including Unknown), and their UIDs are from 27601 to 27617. Germany itself is 276.
  • Italy: UIDs are combined country code (380) with codice_regione, which is from Dati COVID-19 Italia. Exceptions: P.A. Bolzano is 38041 and P.A. Trento is 38042.
  1. The US (most entries with Admin0, Admin1 and Admin2).
  • US by itself is 840 (UID = code3).
  • US dependencies, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, UID = code3. Their Admin0 FIPS codes are different from code3.
  • US states: UID = 840 (country code3) + 000XX (state FIPS code). Ranging from 8400001 to 84000056.
  • Out of [State], US: UID = 840 (country code3) + 800XX (state FIPS code). Ranging from 8408001 to 84080056.
  • Unassigned, US: UID = 840 (country code3) + 900XX (state FIPS code). Ranging from 8409001 to 84090056.
  • US counties: UID = 840 (country code3) + XXXXX (5-digit FIPS code).
  • Exception type 1, such as recovered and Kansas City, ranging from 8407001 to 8407999.
  • Exception type 2, only the New York City, which is replacing New York County and its FIPS code.
  • Exception type 3, Diamond Princess, US: 84088888; Grand Princess, US: 84099999.
  • Exception type 4, municipalities in Puerto Rico are regarded as counties with FIPS codes. The FIPS code for the unassigned category is defined as 72999.
  1. Population data sources.

Disclaimer: *The names of locations included on the Website correspond with the official designations used by the U.S. Department of State. The presentation of material therein does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of JHU concerning the legal status of any country, area or territory or of its authorities. The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names and related data shown on maps and included in lists, tables, documents, and databases on this website are not warranted to be error free nor do they necessarily imply official endorsement or acceptance by JHU.

Update frequency

  • Only when a new FIPS code added by U.S. Department of State.


  • CSV

Step 2: Explore and Assess the Data

All data set is very clean and null fields are still used a case to filter for example in UID_ISO_FIPS_LookUp_Table a null value in Admin2 field is to donate a state level details. Since we will be only looking at US data the following filters are needed:

UID_ISO_FIPS_LookUp_Table.csv: will be used as fact table with the following filters, which will make sure that we only have US States.

Redshift Table Name: MasterNode


  • Country_Region = 'US'
  • Admin2 IS NULL
  • Province_State != Null
  • FIPS <=100

Columns that will be imported:

  • FIPS
  • Province_State
  • Lat
  • Long_
  • Population


FIPS Province_State Lat Long_ Population
60 American Samoa -14.271 -170.132 55641
66 Guam 13.4443 144.7937 164229
69 Northern Mariana Islands 15.0979 145.6739 55144
78 Virgin Islands 18.3358 -64.8963 107268
72 Puerto Rico 18.2208 -66.5901 2933408
1 Alabama 32.3182 -86.9023 4903185
2 Alaska 61.3707 -152.4044 731545
4 Arizona 33.7298 -111.4312 7278717
5 Arkansas 34.9697 -92.3731 3017804
6 California 36.1162 -119.6816 39512223
8 Colorado 39.0598 -105.3111 5758736
9 Connecticut 41.5978 -72.7554 3565287
10 Delaware 39.3185 -75.5071 973764
11 District of Columbia 38.8974 -77.0268 705749
12 Florida 27.7663 -81.6868 21477737
13 Georgia 33.0406 -83.6431 10617423
15 Hawaii 21.0943 -157.4983 1415872
16 Idaho 44.2405 -114.4788 1787065
17 Illinois 40.3495 -88.9861 12671821
18 Indiana 39.8494 -86.2583 6732219
19 Iowa 42.0115 -93.2105 3155070

JHU CSSE COVID-19 Dataset: will be used as a dimension table and the following fields and filters will be imported:

Redshift Table Name: covidcases


  • Last_Update IsNotNULL
  • FIPS <100

Columns that will be imported:

  • FIPS
  • Last_Update
  • Confirmed
  • Deaths
  • Recovered
  • Active
  • Incident_Rate
  • People_Tested
  • People_Hospitalized
  • Mortality_Rate
  • Testing_Rate
  • Hospitalization_Rate


Last_Update Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active FIPS Incident_Rate People_Tested People_Hospitalized Mortality_Rate Testing_Rate Hospitalization_Rate
2020/04/12 23:18 3563 93 3470 1 75.98802021 21583 437 2.610159978 460.3001516 12.26494527
2020/04/12 23:18 272 8 66 264 2 45.50404936 8038 31 2.941176471 1344.711576 11.39705882
2020/04/12 23:18 3542 115 3427 4 48.66242224 42109 3.246753247 578.5222863
2020/04/12 23:18 1280 27 367 1253 5 49.43942261 19722 130 2.109375 761.7533537 10.15625
2020/04/12 23:18 22795 640 22155 6 58.13772584 190328 5234 2.81202018 485.4238685 22.9611757
2020/04/12 23:18 7307 289 7018 8 128.943729 34873 1376 3.955111537 615.3899908 18.8312577
2020/04/12 23:18 12035 554 11481 9 337.5604825 41220 1654 4.603240548 1156.148159 13.74324886
2020/04/12 23:18 1625 35 191 1590 10 166.8782169 11103 190 2.153846154 1140.214672 11.69230769
2020/04/12 23:18 1875 50 493 1825 11 265.6751905 10640 2.666666667 1507.618148
2020/04/12 23:18 19895 461 19434 12 93.70022691 182753 2772 2.317165117 860.7186513 13.93314903
2020/04/12 23:18 12452 433 12019 13 122.8081405 54453 2505 3.477353036 537.0439828 20.11725024
2020/04/12 23:18 133 5 58 128 66 80.98447899 826 13 3.759398496 502.9562379 9.77443609
2020/04/12 23:18 499 9 300 490 15 35.24543964 17968 44 1.803607214 1269.118355 8.817635271
2020/04/12 23:18 1407 27 1380 16 87.36433536 14308 131 1.918976546 888.4214004 9.310589908
2020/04/12 23:18 20852 720 20132 17 177.6807818 100735 3680 3.452906196 858.3672336 17.64818722
2020/04/12 23:18 7928 343 7585 18 121.1492553 42489 4.326437941 649.2823801
2020/04/12 23:18 1587 41 674 1546 19 60.55603952 17592 129 2.583490863 671.2677046 8.128544423
2020/04/12 23:18 1344 56 1288 20 55.11612114 13253 298 4.166666667 543.4925249 22.17261905
2020/04/12 23:18 1963 97 464 1866 21 57.34228025 24567 459 4.9414162 717.6402439 23.38257769
2020/04/12 23:18 20595 840 19755 22 447.9836494 104045 2084 4.078659869 2263.19295 10.11896091
2020/04/12 23:18 633 19 266 614 23 53.91795272 6721 120 3.001579779 572.4842974 18.95734597
2020/04/12 23:18 8225 236 456 7989 24 138.3903145 49764 1860 2.869300912 837.3076732 22.61398176
2020/04/12 23:18 25475 756 24719 25 371.1516059 116730 2235 2.967615309 1700.668379 8.773307164
2020/04/12 23:18 24244 1479 433 22765 26 304.2953668 79437 3636 6.100478469 997.0430232 14.99752516
2020/04/12 23:18 1621 70 842 1551 27 32.77100367 37421 361 4.318322023 756.5229662 22.27020358
2020/04/12 23:18 2781 96 2685 28 96.05534114 21413 548 3.451995685 739.6019489 19.70514204
2020/04/12 23:18 4269 118 4151 29 72.85659283 45200 988 2.764113375 771.4026695 23.14359335
2020/04/12 23:18 387 6 169 381 30 44.68889256 8913 47 1.550387597 1029.230231 12.14470284
2020/04/12 23:18 791 17 774 31 51.85960275 10691 2.149178255 700.924163
2020/04/12 23:18 2836 112 2724 32 94.01010443 24611 282 3.94922426 815.8260508 9.943582511

USA Hospital Beds - COVID-19 | Definitive Healthcare: : will be used as a dimension table and the following fields and filters will be imported:

Redshift Table Name: hospital


  • STATE_FIPS<100

Columns that will be imported:

  • Potential_Increase_In_Bed_Capac


Province_State Country_Region Last_Update Lat Long_ Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active FIPS Incident_Rate People_Tested People_Hospitalized Mortality_Rate UID ISO3 Testing_Rate Hospitalization_Rate
Alabama US 2020/04/12 23:18 32.3182 -86.9023 3563 93 3470 1 75.98802021 21583 437 2.610159978 84000001 USA 460.3001516 12.26494527
Alaska US 2020/04/12 23:18 61.3707 -152.4044 272 8 66 264 2 45.50404936 8038 31 2.941176471 84000002 USA 1344.711576 11.39705882
Arizona US 2020/04/12 23:18 33.7298 -111.4312 3542 115 3427 4 48.66242224 42109 3.246753247 84000004 USA 578.5222863
Arkansas US 2020/04/12 23:18 34.9697 -92.3731 1280 27 367 1253 5 49.43942261 19722 130 2.109375 84000005 USA 761.7533537 10.15625
California US 2020/04/12 23:18 36.1162 -119.6816 22795 640 22155 6 58.13772584 190328 5234 2.81202018 84000006 USA 485.4238685 22.9611757
Colorado US 2020/04/12 23:18 39.0598 -105.3111 7307 289 7018 8 128.943729 34873 1376 3.955111537 84000008 USA 615.3899908 18.8312577
Connecticut US 2020/04/12 23:18 41.5978 -72.7554 12035 554 11481 9 337.5604825 41220 1654 4.603240548 84000009 USA 1156.148159 13.74324886
Delaware US 2020/04/12 23:18 39.3185 -75.5071 1625 35 191 1590 10 166.8782169 11103 190 2.153846154 84000010 USA 1140.214672 11.69230769

Step 3: Define the Data Model

Database Schema Design The project creates a redshift database in a AWS cluster using AWS CloudFormation. Then AWS CodePipeline and CloudFormation is used to import the raw data into S3 buckets. Apache Airflow DAGs creates pre-defined empty tables in redshift then it opied over to the tables from s3 bucket. Apache Airflow DAGs helps with parallelizing the execution of queries on multiple workers.

ELT Pipeline The project creates a star schema relational database. star schema is the simplest style of data mart schema and is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional data marts.[1] The star schema consists of one or more fact tables referencing any number of dimension tables. The star schema is an important special case of the snowflake schema, and is more effective for handling simpler queries.2

The star schema was chosen because of the end case scenario because the end the dataset would be utilized in machine learning model.

Hear are the summary of the steps we will take to ETL the data into redshift:

Stage Tables Alt

Fact & Dimension Table Alt

Step 4: Run ETL to Model the Data

Fellow the steps below to Run the ETL

Importing data from github to S3: JHU COVID-19 git repo

  1. Go to JHU COVID-19 git repo and fork the Repo
  2. Go to your fork go to git actions and create a new action with the following code
# .github/workflows/main.yml
# This code was updated form orginal by user N1ngu
# There was some errord in the orginal code 
# This will update the fork with orginal every 15 min between 4 and 6 UTC

name: Merge upstream branches
     # actually, ~5 minutes is the highest
     # effective frequency you will get
    - cron:  '*/15 4-6 * * *'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Merge upstream
        run: |
          git config --global 'sahussain'
          git config --global ''

          # "git checkout master" is unnecessary, already here by default
          git pull --unshallow  # this option is very important, you would get
                                # complains about unrelated histories without it.
                                # (but actions/checkout@v2 can also be instructed
                                # to fetch all git depth right from the start)

          git remote add upstream
          git checkout master
          git fetch --all
          git merge upstream/master
          git push origin master
  1. Go to AWS CodePipeline
  2. Click the Create pipeline button
  3. Name the pipeline Github-to-S3
  4. Click Adcanced settings
  5. Make sure Artifact store and Encryption key is set to default
  6. Select the Source provider: Github if this is the first time click Connect to Github button, enter your credentials and click authorize
  7. Repository select the fork repo
  8. Branch Select master
  9. Leave Change detection options to GitHub webhooks
  10. Click Next
  11. On the Add build stage Click Skip build stage
  12. Click Skip
  13. Select the Deploy provider Amazon S3
  14. Select the bucket you created when you run redshift CloudFormation
  15. Check Extract file before deploy
  16. Click Create pipeline

Importing AWS Data Exchange to S3: USA Hospital Beds - COVID-19 | Definitive Healthcare

  1. Go to your Subscriptions
  2. Under Entitled data sets click USA Hospital Beds | Definitive Healthcare
  3. click on the most recent Revision ID
  4. Under Assets select the csv file
  5. click on Export to Amazon S3
  6. Select the bucket you created when you run redshift CloudFormation
  7. Click Export

Uploading Dags

On Raspberry Pi

  1. Create a airflow folder in your home directory you can just use
  2. In terminal Clone git repo turbine by running git clone
  3. Copy airflow content form git repo to your airflow folder
  4. Copy makefile to home folder
  5. go to terminal and run the following command from your home dir 'make deploy stack-name=airflow'
  6. if you get an error code 255 make sure that your aws config under .aws which is in your home folder only have the following line
	region = us-east-1

Add AWS credentials to Airflow Connections

use Airflow's UI to configure your AWS credentials and connection to Redshift.

  1. To go to the Airflow UI
  2. Click on the Admin tab and select Connections.
  3. Under Connections, select Create.
  4. On the create connection page, enter the following values:
    • Conn Id: Enter aws_credentials.
    • Conn Type: Enter Amazon Web Services.
    • Login: Enter your Access key ID from the IAM User credentials you downloaded earlier.
    • Password: Enter your Secret access key from the IAM User credentials you downloaded earlier.

Once you've entered these values, select Save.

Add AWS redshift to Airflow Connections

Getting redshift connection settings:

  1. Go to AWS CloudFormation console
  2. click on redshift click on outputs here you'll find all the settings for redshift
  3. To go to the Airflow UI
  4. Click on the Admin tab and select Connections.
  5. Under Connections, select Create.
  6. On the create connection page, enter the following values:
    • Conn Id: Enter redshift.
    • Conn Type: Enter Postgres.
    • Host: Enter the endpoint of your Redshift cluster, excluding the port at the end. IMPORTANT: Make sure to NOT include the port at the end of the Redshift endpoint string.
    • Schema: Enter dev. This is the Redshift database you want to connect to.
    • Login: Enter awsuser.
    • Password: Enter the password you created when launching your Redshift cluster.
    • Port: Enter 5439.

Once you've entered these values, select Save.

Run the following Dags

open airflow web interface

  1. Initiation only to be run once
  2. Data_to_redshift

Step 5: Complete Project Write Up

The goal of the project was to have the data setup for a ML model. The queries will be decied when desgine the ML model. The reason I chose this model is to demonstrate how we can take COVID-19 data from opensources and map it to redshift. Hopefully when I take Cloud Dev Ops Engineer nanodegree I am able to refine the setup procress. The data should be updated daily.

Addressing other scenarios

Data Increased by 100x:

There will be no promble with S3 bucket and Airflow as each is setup to incrise with load dynamically. If the load is too high on the redshift we can delete the old one with shapshort and create a new one with more nodes.

The pipelines would be run on a daily basis by 7 am every day:

All data expect for AWS Data Exchange is set to run on a daily basis by 7AM UTC

The database needed to be accessed by 100+ people:

Again there will be no issue we will just have to incrise the redshift nodes and server limits like ra3.16xlarge.

Appendix A


  1. COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)". ArcGIS. Johns Hopkins University. Retrieved 20 June 2020.

  2. DWH Schemas, 2009, archived from the original on 16 July 2010