
Primary LanguageTypeScript


You are given two json files:

stock.json: contains objects which represent the starting stock levels for given SKUS transactions.json: contains an array of transactions since the stock levels were recorded in stock.json The objective is to create a function which is able to return the current stock levels for a given SKU by combining the data in these two files. These are the requirements.

The function must match the following signature: (sku: string) => Promise<{ sku: string, qty: number }>. The function must read from the stock and transactions files on each invocation (totals cannot be precomputed) The function must throw an error where the SKU does not exist in the transactions.json and stock.json file All code must be adequately tested Notes:

Transactions may exist for SKUs which are not present in stock.json. It should be assumed that the starting quantity for these is 0. Functionality can be split into many files to help keep the project clear and organised

Running App

#Install dependencies
npm i 

#Run service
npm run dev

## Running Tests
To run unit tests: Please run the service in background before running tests. (Endpoint test included)

npm test

## Swagger 

Visit the below url to access swagger after running the app


## Endpoint
End point to fetch SKU level by SKU code
