
Repository for Checkmate-2019 part 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript



npm install

Starting up the server

  • Start the mongo database using
cd {path-to-mongodb}/mongodb/bin
./mongod --dbpath {path-to-data-directory-for-mongo}/mongodb-data
  • Navigate to the root directory of the project in another terminal window.
  • Execute this in terminal
npm run dev
  • Go to localhost:3000 in your browser.

Miscellanous points

  • Whenever there is a change in package.json, you have to install new node_modules using :
npm install
  • We will use ejs for dynamic rendering of content. If you are not familiar with it, learn it from https://www.npmjs.com/package/ejs
  • We will not be using REST. Graphql will be used as the query language.
  • In backend we will use the npm package graphql-tools. Read following tutorials to learn more :
  • The endpoint for all CRUD ( Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations will be /graphql
  • Till the frontend is integrated into backend we will use Postman and GraphiQL.
  • Frontend team should read https://graphql.org/graphql-js/graphql-clients/ . This would be sufficient for frontend.
  • The directory for frontend files is ./public
  • Frontend team, you can take advantage of partials to refactor repetitive code. See ./public/index.ejs for syntax to use partials.
  • Frontend team should go to localhost:3000/graphql and click on Docs in upper right corner to get the list of available queries, mutations, and their input/return types that they expect.
  • Answers will be verfied by sending a post request to /check_answer . The body of request will have :
    • _id : This will be the id of the question.
    • answer : Answer given by user
  • Other endpoints available are :
    • GET /login : will render login page
    • GET /register : will render registration page
    • GET /game : will render the main game page
    • GET /instructions : will render instructions page
    • POST /time : will send the server time in the form "HH:MM:SS"
  • Frontend team can take advantage of the feature that you direct graphql what fields to return ( among the available fields given in return type)
  • Backend team, please ensure that there is no problem of circular imports in your commit.


  • Feel free to make any changes and submit a PR.
  • Raise issue if you find a bug.
  • Please don't push unwanted files.
  • Regularly fetch the changes to avoid merge conflicts later.
  • Write comments wherever needed.