
Every election, candidates make claims to take various steps towards the betterment of the people but once the elections are over how many of them get fulfilled? This is very difficult to track due to the lack of persistent records of these claims. Our proposal hopes to tackle this problem.


We came up with the idea of a website where candidates could upload their portfolios with not only what they have done for people and the country but also what they claim they can do once they are elected. These records will be stored on a blockchain. The website will also allow the voters to verify these claims. The aim of this website will be to help the voter in making his decision during the elections based on facts and not on baseless claims.

Problems vs Our Solution

  • Spamming : Each voter will be able to vote only once per claim. Face recognition will be used to verify the identity of the voter. Identity of the voter will also be verified using Aadhar card.
  • Privacy and Anonymity : Blockchain will ensure the data security and would not let the candidates find out who supported/rejected their claim.
  • Hacking : Many parties would spend a lot to hack database and change the values to their favour. Decentralised ledger will be used to avoid this problem.

Other Uses

  • All this data will be available for successive elections too. Thus people will also have the ability to judge an elected candidate on the claims he made for the future during previous elections and the actually work he put in.
  • It will help the political parties to choose the right candidate for elections on the basis of popularity and work. Currently there is no way for high level leaders of a party to directly decide the popularity of a candidate.

Tools to be used

  • Microsoft Azure Blockchain will be used to deploy the blockchain.
  • Ethereum will be used .
  • Smart Contracts will be written using Solidarity language .
  • Remix IDE will be used for solidarity.
  • Nodejs will be used to provide UI and an interface to the blockchain.
  • Jquery, Bootstrap will be used for frontend.