
System Linear Equation

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

System Linear Equation

This repository contain linear equation of Matlab implementation about Numerical Method. The task been worked are

  • Computer Problem 4.2 page number 106, number 3a.
  • Computer Problem 4.4 page number 131, number 1, 2a, 3b

Computer Problem 4.2

Write a MATLAB function to solve the system of equations that finds the coefficients a1, a2, a3 of a parabola defined by y = a1x2 + a2x + a3 given three points through which the parabola passes. Find the equation of the parabolas passing through the following set of points (1,5.0), (−2,7.1), (3,6.6).

Computer Problem 4.4 Number 1

Write a computer program in a language of your choice to solve a system of n linear equations and n unknowns using the LU decomposition. Input data to the program should be

  • The number of equations n.
  • The augmented matrix. Output should consist of:
  • The augmented matrix.
  • The L and U matrices.
  • The vector solution. Test your program to solve Exercise 1(b).

Computer Problem 4.4 Number 2a

The following 8 by 8 tridiagonal system of equations arise in the solution of partial differential equations using the finite difference method. Use the MATLAB function lufact to solve the system for the following b vectors [1 1 ... 1]'

Computer Problem 4.4 Number 3b

Generate a 15 × 15 matrix A using the MATLAB command rand and then use the MATLAB function lufact to solve the linear system Ax = b for the following b's, b=[1 2 3 ... 15]'

Ashadi Sedana Pratama