Spark Kafka Streaming Application



This project is a dockerised pub sub based application written in python to publish data using Kafka and consume/aggregate data using the Spark processing framework.


  1. A dockerised kafka application that produces user behaviour data and pushes into its producer.
  2. A dockerised pyspark based application that could read real time data from a kafka producer and perform aggregations on the raw data and perform aggregations real time.


The Architecture involves the following tech stack.

  • Kafka v1.4.7
  • Spark v2.4.4
  • Python v3.7.2
  • Docker

What can be done better

  1. Push the data into a persistant storage like InfluxDB/MySQl/PostGres.
  2. Stream real time aggregations from persistant storage systems into dashboards built in Grafana.

How to run this application

### Clone the repository []

### After cloning the repository, run the below command in the root directory of the project. Make sure docker is installed on your machine.
$ docker-compose up -d
### The above command will run the kafka producer and the spark consumer inside a docker container.

$ docker container ps 

### This would show all the currently running containers inside docker

$ docker logs <container_id>

The logs for each of the container can be seen by running the above command


Sample Outputs