Docker build for creating a local Drupal 8 website running on a LEMP stack with SSL from Lets Encrypt. Includes a PHPMyAdmin container so you have a GUI for the database. Extends the official Drupal image on Docker Hub by installing APCu caching. Includes MailHog, a testing SMTP server, so you can test site messaging locally.
Adding COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 to the beginning of the command helps to avoid composer memory limit issues. Change the version number to the version of Drupal you need to use.
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:8.9.6 drupal
docker-compose up -d
(or at the custom URL that you create using the instructions in the comments near the https-portal container 😉)
User: drupal
Pass: drupal
The IP address you are looking to whitelist comes from the https-portal container.
Find the container's ID by running: docker ps
to see the list of running containers.
Then run this, replacing CONTAINER_ID with the ID: docker inspect CONTAINER_ID | grep "IPAddress"
Uncomment lines 131-134 in nginx.conf and replace XXX.XX.X.X with the container IP address.
Run docker-compose up
to commit the changes.