
Ecommerce app in GoLang with microservice, domain driven design and hexagonal architecture.

Primary LanguageGo

Ecommerce Microservice

Microservice List

Microservices Design Decisions Status Readme Link
Users-API Go, RDBMS(PostgreSQL) Completed Link
Product-API Go, RDBMS(PostgreSQL) Ongoing Link
Auth-API Pending
Order-API Pending
Cart-API Pending
Payment-API Pending

Design Decisions(V1)

  • Software Architecture: Hexagonal(ports and adapters).
  • Api Architecture Style: Restful API.
  • Design Pattern: Domain Driven Design.
  • Web Framework: Gin.
  • Cloud: AWS.
  • Containerization: Docker.
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions.
  • Event Bus: Apache Kafka.
  • Relational DB Preference: PostgreSQL.
  • Document Based/NoSQL DB: MongoDB.
  • Cache preference: Redis.

Environment Setup

Clone using ssh protocol git clone git@github.com:ashtishad/ecommerce.git

Change environment variables in Makefile: Set values in Makefile stored in project root.

  • SERVER_ADDRESS [IP Address of the machine] : localhost
  • USER_API_PORT [Port of the user api] : 8000
  • PRODUCT_API_PORT [Port of the product api] : 8001
  • DB_USER [Database username] : postgres
  • DB_PASSWD [Database password]: potgres
  • DB_ADDR [IP address of the database] : localhost
  • DB_PORT [Port of the database] : 5432
  • DB_NAME [Name of the database] : ecommerce
Postgres Database Setup
  • Run docker compose: Bring the container up with docker compose up. Configurations are in compose.yaml file.
  • (optional) Remove databases and volumes:
    docker compose down
    docker volume rm ecommerce_postgresdata
Run the application
  • Run the application with make run command from project root. or, if you want to run it from IDE, please set environment variables by executing commands mentioned in Makefile on your terminal.

Project Structure

├── .github/workflows        <-- Github CI workflows(Build, Test, Lint).
├── assets                   <-- For project root specific static assets.
├── config                   <-- Database initialization on docker compose.
├── db/migrations            <-- Postgres DB migrations scripts for golang-migrate.
├── users-api                <-- Users API microservice.
├── product-api              <-- Auth API microservice.
├── lib                      <-- Common setup, configs used across all services.
├── compose.yaml             <-- Docker services setup(databases)
├── golangci.yml             <-- Config for golangci-lint. 
├── Makefile                 <-- Builds the whole app with exporting environment variables.
├── main.go                  <-- Start all server concurrently, init logger, init db, env port check, graceful shutdown.
├── readme.md                <-- Ecommerce Project Central Readme.

Data Flow (Hexagonal architecture)

Incoming : Client --(JSON)-> REST Handlers --(DTO)-> Service --(Domain Object)-> RepositoryDB

Outgoing : RepositoryDB --(Domain Object)-> Service --(DTO)-> REST Handlers --(JSON)-> Client
Hexagonal Architecture


Design Decisions(V2)

  1. Database per service pattern
  • Separate database for each service, one service won't communicate directly to another service's database. Why?
    • Separation of concerns (Each service to run independently).
    • Database schema/structure of another service that might change unexpectedly won't affect another.
    • There won't be a single point of failure would increase Site Reliability.
    • Some services might function more efficiently with different types of DB's (sql vs nosql).
    • Easy to scale, test, manage, maintain and audit.

2.How to exchange data between services?

  • Asynchronous Data Communication (Event Driven). Use Event Bus to exchange data(eg: Pache Kafka/RabbitMQ/NATS). Why Async Communication?
    • Zero dependency on other services.
    • No need to wait for other services to be ready.
    • Addition of new services is easy and service operations will be extremely fast.
  • Downside? - Data duplication.