
High performance golang api with large file upload and stream from IPFS storage.

Primary LanguageGo


API for uploading and retrieving large file in IPFS storage.

  • Used Domain Driven Design ( Clean Architecture)
  • Handle Large Files (Efficiently With direct streaming from ipfs to http client)


  • I find "streaming" mechanism is more efficient than concurrent upload/download by chunks, which I tried in this PR
  • Also, IPFS itself is designed to handle upload/download efficiently by making Chunks, Content Addressing, Deduplication, Retrieval.


Getting Started

Clone using ssh protocol git clone git@github.com:ashtishad/fileverse.git


Change environment variables in Makefile, if empty then default values listed here will be loaded, check pkg/utils.go -> SanityCheck()

  • API_HOST [IP Address of the machine] :
  • API_PORT [Port of the api] : 8000
  • DB_USER [Database username] : postgres
  • DB_PASSWD [Database password]: postgres
  • DB_ADDR [IP address of the database] :
  • DB_PORT [Port of the database] : 5432
  • DB_NAME [Name of the database] : fileverse
  • GIN_MODE [Name of the gin mode] : debug
  • IPFS_ADDR [Address of ipfs docker node]:


  • Run docker compose: Bring the container up with docker compose up. Configurations are in compose.yaml file.


  • Run the application with make run command from project root. or, if you want to run it from IDE, please set environment variables by executing commands mentioned in Makefile on your terminal.

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Project Structure

├── .github                    
│   └── workflows              
│       └── goci.yaml          <-- Github CI configuration file(for build, lint, test).
├── cmd                        
│   └── app                    
│       ├── app.go             <-- Server setup.
│       └── handlers.go        <-- Gin HTTP handlers for the file service.
├── config                     
│   └── initdb                 
│       └── 01.create-database.sql  <-- SQL script to create the initial database and tables.
├── docs                       
│   └── instructions.md        <-- Instructions given.
├── internal                   
│   ├── domain                 
│   │   ├── file.go            <-- Domain model for file.
│   │   ├── file_dto.go        <-- Data transfer object for file.
│   │   ├── file_repository.go <-- Interface for file repository.
│   │   └── file_repository_db.go  <-- Database implementation of the file repository.
│   ├── infra                  
│   │   ├── database           
│   │   │   ├── postgres.go    <-- Postgres database setup and configuration.
│   │   │   └── postgres_test.go   <-- Test setup for Postgres.
│   │   └── storage           
│   │       └── ipfs.go        <-- IPFS storage configuration and utilities.
│   └── service               
│       └── file_service.go    <-- Service layer that handles business logic for files.
├── pkg                       
│   └── utils                 
│       ├── api_errors.go      <-- API error definitions and utilities.
│       ├── sanity_check.go    <-- Environment variables setup.
│       └── slog_config.go     <-- Structured logging configuration.
├── .gitignore                 <-- Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore.
├── .golangci.yml              <-- Configuration for golangci-lint tool.
├── compose.yaml               <-- Configuration for Docker compose services.
├── go.mod                     <-- Go module file, tracking dependencies.
├── main.go                    <-- Main application entry point.
├── Makefile                   <-- Defines set of tasks to be executed.
└── readme.md                  <-- Detailed project README file.

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Data Flow (Domain Driven Design)

Incoming : Client --(JSON)-> REST Handlers --(DTO)-> Service --(Domain Object)-> RepositoryDB

Outgoing : RepositoryDB --(Domain Object)-> Service --(DTO)-> REST Handlers --(JSON)-> Client

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POST Body -> form-data(file) -> key: file

Example Response:

201 Created

"file": {
"fileId": "61d2d11c-b120-4215-86c8-a36cfef9a883",
"fileName": "large.zip",
"size": 139592028,
"timestamp": "2023-11-05T04:52:05.565843+06:00"

409 conflict

{ "error": "a file with the IPFS hash 'QmdDs4dzfRTo225qsQ2HU4HoCdpZkqPFpqQu9tkMjbz1RK' already exists" }

500 error

Get file GET

Example Response:

200 Ok

-> file content <-

500 Error

"error": "error retrieving file record"

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