
Yii 2.0 Empty Web Application Template

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


The Yii 2.0 web application template used to rapidly start common web project with command line interface, api, frontend and backend. Backend styled with AdminLTE theme and includes interfaces to manage users, logs, errors and queues.

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It's best to start with Composer and simple command like:

  composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev ashtokalo/ewyii example

Directory Structure

  app/          contains application source code
    api/        application interface
    backend/    backend interface
    cli/        command line interface
    config/     application configurations
    frontend/   frontend interface
  docker/       assets to run docker environment
  docs/         some documentation to run project
  runtime/      files generated at runtime
  tests/        a few tests to be used as examples
  vendor/       3rd-party packages


Use file .env or environment variables to pass sensitive data to application. See .env.dist for example. All tiers has it's own configuration files to extend config/common.php, e.g. app/config/frontend.php. It's regular Yii configuration files.




It's an open source project, so any contributions are welcome. You can report an issue or contribute to the code using simple rules:

  • PSR-2 Coding Standard - Check the code style with $ composer check-style and fix it with $ composer fix-style.

  • Create feature branches - Don't ask me to pull from your master branch.

  • One pull request per feature - If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests.

  • Document any change in behaviour - Make sure the README.md and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date.

  • Send coherent history - Make sure each individual commit in your pull request is meaningful. If you had to make multiple intermediate commits while developing, please squash them before submitting.

  • Add tests! - Usually your patch won't be accepted if it doesn't have tests.