Title: What's Cookin

A Front-End Project by: Ashton Huxtable and Beth Meeker


What's Cookin is a recipe application designed to allow users to search and save recipes.

Instructions for cloning

  1. Clone this repo to your local machine
  2. cd into repo from the terminal
  3. type npm install to install the dependencies
  4. type npm start to start the host and view the page


  • Main page navigation

    • A random user is logged in when the page loads - and the application prominently greets the user by name
    • Buttons filter recipes by four specific categories - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Sides
    • View All Recipes button will navigate the user to view the full list of all recipes in the database
    • Search Bar allows the user to search the recipe database by recipe name, or by ingredient
    • Each time the main page loads, two random 'Popular Recipes' are loaded for the user
  • Recipe View - Click a recipe to view ingredients and preperation details - Total estimated cost of the recipe is displyed under the recipe image - Ingredient amounts and estimated dollar cost - Instructions for preperation

  • Favorites View - A recipe is added to Favorites by clicking the Add To Favorites button displayed when viewing the recipe details - Favorites section is named by user name, creating a unique and personalized experience

Large recipe category buttons for ease of navigation

recording (9)

Search recipes by Recipe Name or Ingredients

recording (7)

Add Favorite Recipes

recording (8)

  • Architecture

    • Four class files - Ingredient, Recipe, User, and RecipeRepository
    • Four robust test files accompany each class file using Mocha & Chai Should / Expect
    • Network requests made using .fetch() to API endpoints
  • Future Upgrades

    • Meal Plan view which allows the user to add and remove recipes from their weekly plan
    • 3rd party library for dynamic navigation bar


  1. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  2. Webpack
  3. Mocha, Chai
  4. ESLint
  5. GitHub
  6. gifcap (https://gifcap.dev/)
  7. Miro (https://miro.com/)


Ashton Huxtable https://github.com/ahuxtable1327

Beth Meeker https://github.com/Meekb

Turing School of Software & Design https://github.com/turingschool-examples


  1. MDN Web Docs
  2. Turing What's Cookin