
Log analysis is the first project in udacity course

Primary LanguagePython


	log-analysis is project which analysis the log of news articles, like which artilces viewed most times or which day more number of error is occured. Python is used to code the project with psql as database.

Pre Requirements

run `vagrant ssh` in terminal after `vagrant up`
extract **newsdata** zip file
To load data cd into vagrant directory use the coomand `psql -d news -f newsdata.sql`

To run the code

use  `python log-analysis.py` from terminal.

##output Most popular three articles of all time

Candidate is jerk, alleges rival - 338647
Bears love berries, alleges bear - 253801
Bad things gone, say good people - 170098

Most Popular article authors of all time

Ursula La Multa - 507594
Rudolf von Treppenwitz - 423457
Anonymous Contributor - 170098
Markoff Chaney - 84557

Day on which more than one leads to error 

2016-07-17 - 2.2626862468