
this is for the docker project of the IIEC RISE docker campaign

Primary LanguageCSS


this is for the docker project of the IIEC RISE docker campaign the one and only teacher #vimaldaga sir has taught very well

now this project is for running a webpage from flask webserver using what it is to be done for this is

1st-- docker run -it -p 5500:5000 --name webflask alpine

2nd-- apk add python py-virtualenv

3rd-- cd home

4th-- mkdir workdir

5th-- cd workdir

6th-- vi app.py

7th-- mkdir templates

8th-- cd templates

9th-- vi AshuWb.html

10th-- mkdir static

11th-- cd static

12th-- mkdir css images

13th-- cd css

14th-- touch style.css style2.css

15th-- cd ..

16th-- cd images

17th-- i copied all the usable images here in images folder

18th-- cd /home/workdir

19th-- virtualenv ashuenv

20th-- pip install flask

21th-- python app.py

22th-- goto web browser write url now your website running...

Or you can easily do this by pulling my created image from docker hub .. By "docker pull ashucybertron/webflask:v1" And run with this command "docker run -it -p 5500:5000 --name webflask ashucybertron/webflask:v1" And you are ready to host your own website locally

i thank to vimal sir who taught to think like this and create something like this ..