
Change App Language As per Device/Mobile Language in React-Native App(Android & iOS).

Primary LanguageJava

Change App Language As Per Device Language in React_Native

Change App Language As per Device/Mobile Language in React-Native App(Android & iOS).

Screenshot_1651093829 Screenshot_1651094428

Adding Dependencies :

> To add Internationalization and Localization add the required dependencies by running the below commands:

npm install i18next —save

npm install react-i18next

Create Translation Files :

> Create JSON files for the languages ,which our app will support inside i18n folder

> Here we have created en.json and hi.json files for English and Hindi respectively.

> Inside en.json add translations like below:


"translation": {

"dummyText":"Check the Text Language"



> Inside hi.json add translations like below:


"translation": {

"dummyText":"टेक्स्ट भाषा की जाँच करें"



Configuring i18next :

> Create i18n.tsx file inside assets > i18n

Add configurations inside i18n.tsx like below :

> Here we have configured “en” as default language and fallback language.So if translation is not available for any language it will show in English.

Import the translations and library inside App.tsx as below:

import '././src/assets/i18n/i18n';

import { t } from "i18next";

import {useTranslation} from 'react-i18next';

To detect the device language add the below imports:

import {NativeModules, Platform } from 'react-native';

Add the below before return() :

useEffect(() => {



In fetchAppLang() we will get the device language and set as app Language .

const { i18n } = useTranslation()

const fetchAppLang = async () => {

const appLang = await getAppLang();

const locale = Platform.select({

ios: NativeModules.SettingsManager?.settings?.AppleLocale || NativeModules.SettingsManager?.settings?.AppleLanguages[0],

android: NativeModules.I18nManager.localeIdentifier,




} else if(locale.includes('hi')){


} else{




> Here we are getting device language and setting as app language if the device language is other than English or Hindi, the app language will be English.

Add translation to the components. Below is an Example :


> Now Change the Device Language and Check, according to the device language, here the text content of “dummyText” will change.

> To use localization, we can also keep an option inside app to change the app language according to the available translations.