
code and formatted datasets for the paper "Network Interpolation" by Thomas Reeves, Anil Damle, and Austin R. Benson

Primary LanguagePython


Code and formatted datasets for the paper "Network Interpolation" by Thomas Reeves, Anil Damle, and Austin R. Benson.

dgmfast.py in the folder dgmfast runs the network interpolation model until a specified graph edit distance to the target graph is reached. It is the fastest implementation.

dgmtrigger.m also runs the network interpolation model until a specified graph edit distance to the target graph is reached, but is not as fast for large graphs.

dgmrun.m runs the network interpolation model for a fixed number of steps.

The program twotothreeblock.m contains the synthetic experiments described in Section 4 of the paper.

The folders collegemsg, emaileucore, emaileucoretemporal, vdbunt, and coauth-DBLP-2yearly contain the real-world experiments described in Section 5 of the paper.