🔥 Heat Street 🔥

Welcome to my first Rails application! As an avid hot sauce connoisseur, I chose to create an app displaying restaurants and the variety of hot sauces they carry.

🌶️ Learning Goals
🌶️ Tech Stack
🌶️ Configuration
🌶️ Database Design
🌶️ User Stories

Learning Goals

-> Design a one-to-many relationship using a schema designer.
-> Write migrations to create tables with columns of varying data types and foreign keys.
-> Use Rails to create web pages that allow users to CRUD resources.
-> Create instance and class methods on a Rails model that use ActiveRecord methods and helpers.
-> Write model and feature tests that fully cover data logic and user behavior.

Tech Stack



bundle install
Type rails s into your CLI
Navigate to your web browser and visit: http://localhost:3000/

Database Design

Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 11 22 10 AM

User Stories

User Story 1, Parent Index 

For each parent table
As a visitor
When I visit '/parents'
Then I see the name of each parent record in the system.
User Story 2, Parent Show 

As a visitor
When I visit '/parents/:id'
Then I see the parent with that id including the parent's attributes
(data from each column that is on the parent table).
User Story 3, Child Index 

As a visitor
When I visit '/child_table_name'
Then I see each Child in the system including the Child's attributes
(data from each column that is on the child table).
User Story 4, Child Show 

As a visitor
When I visit '/child_table_name/:id'
Then I see the child with that id including the child's attributes
(data from each column that is on the child table).
User Story 5, Parent Children Index 

As a visitor
When I visit '/parents/:parent_id/child_table_name'
Then I see each Child that is associated with that Parent with each Child's attributes
(data from each column that is on the child table)
User Story 6, Parent Index sorted by Most Recently Created 

As a visitor
When I visit the parent index,
I see that records are ordered by most recently created first
And next to each of the records I see when it was created.
User Story 7, Parent Child Count

As a visitor
When I visit a parent's show page
I see a count of the number of children associated with this parent.
User Story 8, Child Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Child Index.
User Story 9, Parent Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Parent Index.
User Story 10, Parent Child Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit a parent show page ('/parents/:id')
Then I see a link to take me to that parent's `child_table_name` page ('/parents/:id/child_table_name').
User Story 11, Parent Creation 

As a visitor
When I visit the Parent Index page
Then I see a link to create a new Parent record, "New Parent"
When I click this link
Then I am taken to '/parents/new' where I  see a form for a new parent record
When I fill out the form with a new parent's attributes:
And I click the button "Create Parent" to submit the form
Then a `POST` request is sent to the '/parents' route,
a new parent record is created,
and I am redirected to the Parent Index page where I see the new Parent displayed.
User Story 12, Parent Update 

As a visitor
When I visit a parent show page
Then I see a link to update the parent "Update Parent"
When I click the link "Update Parent"
Then I am taken to '/parents/:id/edit' where I  see a form to edit the parent's attributes:
When I fill out the form with updated information
And I click the button to submit the form
Then a `PATCH` request is sent to '/parents/:id',
the parent's info is updated,
and I am redirected to the Parent's Show page where I see the parent's updated info.
User Story 13, Parent Child Creation 

As a visitor
When I visit a Parent Children Index page
Then I see a link to add a new adoptable child for that parent "Create Child"
When I click the link
I am taken to '/parents/:parent_id/child_table_name/new' where I see a form to add a new adoptable child
When I fill in the form with the child's attributes:
And I click the button "Create Child"
Then a `POST` request is sent to '/parents/:parent_id/child_table_name',
a new child object/row is created for that parent,
and I am redirected to the Parent Childs Index page where I can see the new child listed.
User Story 14, Child Update 

As a visitor
When I visit a Child Show page
Then I see a link to update that Child "Update Child"
When I click the link
I am taken to '/child_table_name/:id/edit' where I see a form to edit the child's attributes:
When I click the button to submit the form "Update Child"
Then a `PATCH` request is sent to '/child_table_name/:id',
the child's data is updated,
and I am redirected to the Child Show page where I see the Child's updated information.
User Story 15, Child Index only shows `true` Records 

As a visitor
When I visit the child index
Then I only see records where the boolean column is `true`.
User Story 16, Sort Parent's Children in Alphabetical Order by name 

As a visitor
When I visit the Parent's children Index Page
Then I see a link to sort children in alphabetical order
When I click on the link
I'm taken back to the Parent's children Index Page where I see all of the parent's children in alphabetical order.
User Story 17, Parent Update From Parent Index Page 

As a visitor
When I visit the parent index page
Next to every parent, I see a link to edit that parent's info
When I click the link
I should be taken to that parent's edit page where I can update its information just like in User Story 12.
User Story 18, Child Update From Childs Index Page 

As a visitor
When I visit the `child_table_name` index page or a parent `child_table_name` index page
Next to every child, I see a link to edit that child's info
When I click the link
I should be taken to that `child_table_name` edit page where I can update its information just like in User Story 14.
User Story 19, Parent Delete 

As a visitor
When I visit a parent show page
Then I see a link to delete the parent
When I click the link "Delete Parent"
Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/parents/:id',
the parent is deleted, and all child records are deleted
and I am redirected to the parent index page where I no longer see this parent.
User Story 20, Child Delete 

As a visitor
When I visit a child show page
Then I see a link to delete the child "Delete Child"
When I click the link
Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/child_table_name/:id',
the child is deleted,
and I am redirected to the child index page where I no longer see this child.
User Story 21, Display Records Over a Given Threshold 

As a visitor
When I visit the Parent's children Index Page
I see a form that allows me to input a number value
When I input a number value and click the submit button that reads:
'Only return records with more than `number` of `column_name`'
Then I am brought back to the current index page with only the records that meet that threshold shown.
User Story 22, Parent Delete From Parent Index Page 

As a visitor
When I visit the parent index page
Next to every parent, I see a link to delete that parent
When I click the link
I am returned to the Parent Index Page where I no longer see that parent.
User Story 23, Child Delete From Childs Index Page 

As a visitor
When I visit the `child_table_name` index page or a parent `child_table_name` index page
Next to every child, I see a link to delete that child
When I click the link
I should be taken to the `child_table_name` index page where I no longer see that child.