
A student Details portal for admin with CRUD properties.

Primary LanguageHTML


• Setting up babel

1. Create css(style.css), js(main.js) and index.html and 'dist'(a directory where babel will compile the es6 file to javascript file)

2. Add babel as a transpiler for converting es6 to javascript.

  - npm init (add all intial info and save into package.json in your project)
  - npm install babel-cli babel-core --save-dev (to install Babel CLI locally in the project)
  - npm install babel-preset-es2015 --save-dev 

3. Add build command to scripts in package.json

  - "build": "babel js -d dist"

This will set the project so that babel can convert any code written in es6(js/) to javascript code(dist/).

4.Create .babelrc and add contents as: { "presets": ["es2015"] } to specify the version of es6

  - This will set *preset* plugin of babel to es2015.

Now, you can check if your babel is working or not. Add some es6 code in js/main.js and run npm run build in your project's root directory. A vanilla javascript file will be created by babel in your dist directory after converting es6 file.

How to run the project:

  - Download the zip or fork the porject
  - run index.html

Live here : https://ashutosh-sharma.github.io/student-portal-es6