EmuARM Emulator

About EmuARM

EmuArm is an ARM ISA emulator. It can be used to write, execute, and debug programs written in the ARM and Thumb assembly languages. It has a graphical mode as well as a command line mode.

Features provided

  • In-built text editor to code and debug ARM code
  • Emulation support for the ARM ISA
  • Thumb ISA
  • Breakpoints to assist debugging the program
  • Easy console input for integers
  • Step Into, Step Over and Step Out functions to get detailed line-by-line execution information of the program

How to launch the GUI Version of EmuARM

  • enter the emuarm directory
  • to compile the source code : type ant compile on the terminal
  • to make the jar files : type ant jar on the terminal
  • to run the jar (emuArm.jar) that is created using GUI, simply type java -jar emuArm.jar

How to launch the Command Line Version of EmuARM

  • enter the emuarm directory
  • to compile the source code : type ant compile on the terminal
  • to make the jar files : type ant jar on the terminal
  • to run the jar (emuArm.jar) that is created, using an assembly file as input, simply type java -jar emuArm.jar -f=filename. We can either enter the absolute ore the relative path of the file. Eg. java -jar emuArm.jar -f=temp.s
  • to display the register, branch and memory tables in the output in command line mode, type -tables after -f=<filename>


You can type regular ARM assembly code, and EmuArm will recognize it. If you need to write Thumb code first put the directive .thumb on a separate line. EmuArm supports two more directives: .read and .print. The .read directive is used to read the value of a register from the command line.

For example you can write: .read r1

This statement will read in a value into the register r1 from the command line or the GUI console (similar to scanf in C).

The .print directive can be used to print the value of a register to the command line or the GUI console.

For example: .print r1

See the file example.s in this directory.


For detailed information and EmuARM documentation, please refer to http://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~srsarangi/files/software/emuarm/emuarm-manual.pdf