
JavaScript and DOM(Document Object Model) used.

  • Include the JS script tags at the end inside the body tag.

  • JS uses camelCase. One can easily run the JS in the browser console.

    • Right-click and inspect or Ctrl+Shift+I click on the console tab to run one line codes.
    • To create JS scripts: Sources -> Snippets -> +New snippet
  • Use HTML Tree generator plugin in chrome browser to get the node hierarchy of HTML tags easily.

  • We can use hierarchical selectors using a space between the two.

  • Example HTML:

<ul id="list">
	<li class="item"><a href=https://google.com">Google</a></li>
	<li class="item">Second</li>
	<li class="item">Third</li>
  • document.querySelector("#list .item"); the result will be <li class="item">..</li>

  • document.querySelectorAll("#list .item"); the result will be NodeList(3) [li.item, li.item, li.item]

  • You can change the style using .style property followed by the CSS tag in camelCase without hyphen. refer this link.

  • Adding the class to a tag:

    • .classList returns the list of classes that are attached to that element.
    • .classList.add(***class name in quotes***)
    • .classList.remove(***class name in quotes***)
    • Instead you can use the .toggle for better scenario i.e. if the property is applied then remove it else vice-versa.
  • innerHTML and textContent

    • .innerHTML gives everything inside the tag including nested tags
    • .textContent gives only the text inside the tags.
  • Changing attribute of a tag:

    • .setAttribute("***property name***","***new value***");