
Used jQuery library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is jQyery?

$("h1") is equivalent to jQuery("h1") it is just to reduce the number of lines of code that you are typing.

Incorporate jQuery in websites

  • Use the CDN(Content Delivery Network) of google from jQuery website.

  • If you are placing the script tag in the head section place the jQuery script above the javaScript script tag and use the following way to build the .js file:

$(document).ready(function() {
  • The best way is to use the CDN is place it at the end inside the body tag.

Minified version

Minified version ignores all the comments and spaces from the code to reduce the size of file. Minifier can be used to produce your minified version of code. The extension is .min

The $("some tag") is equivalent to DOM's querySelector() and querySelectorAll(). To change the css styles we use $("#head h1").css("font-size","3rem"); Here the css property name will be same as that in css irrespective of what used in DOM. $("#head h1").css("font-size") this would give the font-size.

$("h1").addClass("big margin") add multiple class witch space in between:

  • removeClass() to remove class
  • hasClass() to check for particular class

$("h1").text() and $("h1").html() to manipulate text content and html respectively.

$("a").attr("href","random site address") to change the attributes.

$("a").attr("class") to print the classes attached.

Using Event Listeners

$("h1").click(<callback function>) to add event listeners.

Another way of adding event listener is $("h1").on("event-listener",callback function).

Adding html

$("h1").<method>(<add HTML>) where methods can be before, after, append and prepend.

Animations in jQuery

Some common animations are:

  • fadeOut
  • fadeIn
  • fadeToggle
  • slideUp
  • slideDown
  • slideToggle
  • hide
  • show
  • toggle usage: $("button").click(function(){});

Another way is using animate to style our css

$("button").on("click", function(){
	$("h1").animate({opactity: 0.5});

i.e on clicking the button the text in H1 tag gets a CSS property defined.

  • we can also add multiple animations to a tag eg.
$("button").on("click", function(){
	$("h1").slideUp().slideDown().animate({opactity: 0.5});

More effects

For jQuery effect methods refer to this link w3schools or jQuery official