This is the smaller version of Iron Man's JARVIS.

Primary LanguagePython


This is the smaller version of Iron Man's JARVIS.

How to use JARVIS?

  • First download this repo or clone this repo
  • Then open up the jarvis.py file and then install the packages which are mentions at the start of the file
  • After installing the packages type py jarvis.py in the terminal

Packages needed to run JARVIS

  • pyttsx3
  • speech_recognition
  • datetime
  • wikipedia
  • webbrowser

Available Commands of JARVIS

  • wikipedia [topic]
  • open google
  • open youtube
  • open instagram
  • open twitter
  • open reddit
  • open pinterest
  • open github
  • open netlify
  • open discord or open dc
  • open vs code or open code
  • open pycharm or python ide
  • open intelli j, open intellij or java ide
  • date
  • time
  • exit