A multi server management and app deployment platform which will enable organizations to manage and deploy their apps with CI/CD suppport.
Here is a slide explaining the current workflow of the organizations.
- Developer pushes the code and pings the admin
- Admin detects the push and downloads the code
- Admin does configuration on the code
- Admin deploys the code to the required server
These is a lot of time wasted in the admin configuration and review process which can be saved if we are able to somehow automate that process. Also a lot of small/medium sized organizations, genarally do not have a means to manage all of their servers and apps in one dashboard.
Here is a slide explaining the workflow of webkodes.
- Developer pushes the code
- Webkodes detects the push
- Webkodes does configuration on the code
- Webkodes deploys the code to the required server
- Webkodes informs the admin of the deployment
Here are some of the features that webkodes provides.
- Multiple Server Management
- Multiple Project/App Management
- CI/CD for better developemt experience
- Helps in Rapid Product Development
- Multiple Database Management
- Multiple Language Support (PHP/NODE)
- Project/App Analytics
- Authentication for your applications
- Extention Marketplace to help add features faster
- Workspaces for in browser realtime coding
- Developers Happy 😺
- Clients Happy
- Admins Happy
What else do you need ? 😎
- Clone the Repo
$ git clone https://github.com/idkashutosh/webkodes-server.git
- Change to Directory
$ cd webkodes-server
- Build with Docker Compose
$ docker-compose build
- Run With Docker Compose
$ docker-compose up
Now open you browser at http://localhost/dashboard to see the result
Ashutosh Dubey