
Course registration and time table management simplified

Primary LanguageHTML

Demo Video


Running the application

  • git clone https://github.com/ashvathnarayanan/Classistant.git hence downloading the project in your local system.
  • pip install -r requirements.txt for installing the dependencies.
  • python manage.py migrate --run-syncdb to migrate and setup the database.
  • python manage.py runserver and open http://localhost:8000 in your browser

Tools and Frameworks used

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  • All the requirements and deliverables from the project document are executed.
  • Apart from that the following were added.
  • Clash details are displayed to avoid selecting slots that will clash with existing time table.
  • Search classes according to both the course code as well as the faculty details if needed.
  • Displaying the groups of buildings in the college as a single cluster according to their vicinity
  • Time table is replicated in the frontend to look the same as the generic time table.
  • All fields have autocompleted feature enabled for ease of use.

Course Page


Map Page


Time table Page


REST APIs and HTTP Endpoint Specified in the problem statement
