
AG-NEWS dataset classification using RoBERTa

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

RoBERTa for Sequence Classification on AG-NEWS dataset


  1. Install torch from https://pytorch.org/
  2. Install hugging-face transformers using pip install transformers
  3. Install hugging-face datasets using pip install datasets
  4. Install TQDM progress bar using pip install tqdm
  5. Install matplotlib using pip install matplotlib
  6. Install pandas using pip install pandas
  7. Install scikit-learn using pip install scikit-learn (required for precision,recall and f1 score calculation)

AG-NEWS dataset

The ‘ag_news’ dataset consists of totally 120000 train rows and 7600 test rows, and consist of 2 columns – ‘text’ and ‘label’. The ‘text’ column denotes the news and ‘label’ denotes the category of the news. The news is classified as 4 types:

Label Integer Representation
World 0
Sports 1
Business 2
Sci/Tech 3

We load this dataset using datasets.load_dataset and shuffle it.

Training Dataset and model

  • The input to the model consists of 2 values: input sequence and the attention mask.
  • The tokenizer_helper function will return the tokenized output for a sentence. To tokenize the entire dataset, we use the map function of the dataset.
  • We then create a TensorDataset using the encoded input sequence, attention masks, and labels. Finally, We create a Dataloader for train and test dataset using the above TensorDataset and RandomSampler.
  • The default RobertaForSequenceClassification model is designed for binary classification. Thus, we change the final layer to output size 4.

Training Procedure

  • We finetune the model on the given down-stream task for 5 epochs, and batch size of 64.
  • We use the Adam optimizer with learning rate of 2e-5
  • To better finetune the model, we introduce an Exponential Learning Rate Scheduler.
  • Exponential LR Scheduler decays the learning rate by ‘gamma’ for each parameter group, on every epoch.
  • This helps the model approach the global minima better!
  • In order to prevent gradient explosion, we also clip the gradients using clip_grad_norm_()
  • The graphs plotted using macro_precision, macro_recalls, and macro_f1s show that the model performance peaks at 4 epochs.
  • We finally achieve a validation accuracy 95.86%

Insights and Observation

  • Often at times, we may need a LR Scheduler to better navigate to the global minima.
  • Micro Averaging for Precision/Recall/F1-Score is often influenced by the majority class, and thus can be a bad representative of the performance of the model.
  • Macro average is better for this case since it give weight for each individual class instead
  • At Epoch 5, validation loss has increased a little bit. This can also be seen in a the decrease on validation accuracy, precision, recall and f1 scores. This shows that the gradient descent has overshoot too much. This can be fixed by introducing a MultiStepLR with a step at epoch 4.