
Personal Website

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Better way for blog management

Requirements: Https support should be inbuilt Should be static Framework to create the static pages should be in python Possibility to build automatically from github / bitbucket Possibility to link more tools

Let’s try firebase https://firebase.google.com/ Create a project - xxx https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting/?authuser=0#implementation_path Install the CLI Create a directory: ~/firebase firebase init firebase serve firebase deploy Jekyll - https://chris.banes.me/2017/06/02/jekyll-firebase/ Install Ruby first Then, sudo gem install jekyll bundler Inside the firebase folder, sudo jekyll new blog You may have to sudo chown -R ashwin If you have wordpress blog already, export the xml file Then sudo gem install jekyll-import Import the wordpress file (https://jekyllrb.com/docs/migrations/) Test out: bundle exec jekyll serve Before deploy, jekyll build Now, change the firebase.json file so that we point to blog/_site Deploy and you are done. Further improvements can be done by modifying theme etc. Domain can now be redirected here. During domain verification, TXT record propogation takes a lot of time. CNAME method may also be used for verification (through appengine console) If domain registrar has issues, move domain to google domains to simplify everything Now, in firebase just select the custom domain and it is done. Save everything to git.

https://css-tricks.com/building-a-jekyll-site-part-1-of-3/ https://ines.io/blog/the-ultimate-guide-static-websites-jekyll

Demo: http://webjeda.com/cards


  • Fork the repository
  • Go to settings and set Github Pages source as master.
  • Your new site should be ready.

For more themes visit - https://jekyll-themes.com

push to deploy should work now