
Implementation of DataStructures from scratch in C/C++. This repo is for Hacktoberfest 2019. Make your contribution and win a tee from github

Primary LanguageC

Data Structures

This is a hacktoberfest repository for beginners. If you have a little knowledge about Data Structures, This is the repo for you.Implement Data Structures from scratch. Please make sure your PRs are mergable.

What to do?

  1. Add any operation on any data structure. Preferably solve one of the Issues.
  2. You can use C/C++ as the language.
  3. Don't forget to add the problem name to README.md inside the concerned folder.
  4. Add your name to the CONTRIBUTORS section at the end of this README in specified format.
  5. If you are implementing a new Data Structure, add them to the list of Contents.

Kindly do not Spam.


  • Linked List
    1. Singly Linked List
  • Stack
  • Queue
    1. Queue
    2. Circular Queue
    3. Priority Queue
  • Binary Trees -Sorting
    1. Bubble-sort
