
Presto Docker Container

Primary LanguageMakefile

Presto Docker Container

Docker image for Presto Server and Presto CLI.

Supported tags and Dockerfiles

Presto Server:

Presto CLI:

Quick Start

This repository is integrated with Docker Registry at johandry/presto, any change in the master branch will push a new image to Docker Registry.

To get the image use the Docker pull command:

docker pull johandry/presto:0.167-t.0.3

With a Dockerfile you can use:

FROM johandry/presto:0.167-t.0.3

COPY catalog/Hive.properties /usr/lib/presto/etc/catalog/


CMD /etc/init.d/presto run

Then you can build and run a Presto Coordinator with:

docker build -t my_presto .
docker run -it --rm --name presto_coordinator -d my_presto /bin/sh --login

To use Presto CLI, first get the image:

docker pull johandry/presto-cli:0.167-t.0.3

It's not common but you may use it in your own image with:

FROM johandry/presto-cli:latest

To use the Presto CLI, run a container with the presto-cli image and send the presto parameters as commands.

docker run --name presto-cli --rm -it johandry/presto-cli --server ${coordinator_ip}:8080 --execute ${query}

Or, use no command parameter to execute the Presto CLI

docker run --name presto-cli --rm -it johandry/presto-cli
presto>  show catalogs;
(4 rows)

Query 20170423_051645_00006_ccijx, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 1 total, 1 done (100.00%)
0:00 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]


To create a Presto cluster you can use Docker Compose or Kubernetes.

Build your own image

To build the new images just execute make.

If you which to release/push the new images to a Docker Registry, modify in the Makefile the variable DOCKER_USER and execute:

make release

Optionally, you can pass the Presto Server version to build or release.

make PRESTO_VERSION=0.167-t.0.3
make release PRESTO_VERSION=0.167-t.0.3

Adding -presto or -cli to the build or release make rules, will build or release the Presto Server or Presto CLI images. For example:

make build-presto
make release-presto
make build-cli
make release-cli

With the make you can also:

  • Do it all (build, release and clean): make all
  • Pull the image: make pull
  • Create a container and login into it: make sh
  • Remove any container creted with that image: make clean
  • Remove container(s) and the image: make clean-all
  • List all the containers and images: make ls
  • Open the Presto Dashboar (only Mac OSX): make presto-dashboard
  • Open Presto CLI: make cli
  • Execute queries: make query H=coordinator Q='show catalogs;', make query-catalogs H=coordinator, make query-workers H=coordinator
  • And, you can list all the options and description with: make help

Environment variables for the container

Required variables for every node

Presto port:


Presto memory settings:


Required variables for every worker

Address of the Coordinator (IP address or hostname):


Optional variables:

HIVE metastore parameters, if all of them are set a Hive metastore connector will be created:


MySQL parameters, if all of them are set a MySQL connector will be created:


What's in the image?

The image contain:

  • Alpine 3.5 (from base image openjdk:alpine)
  • OpenJDK 8u121 (openjdk:alpine)
  • Python2
  • Presto 0.167-t.0.3

The entrypoint will:

  • Configure Presto:
    • Update Node Id in /etc/presto/node.properties
    • Setup Presto as coordinator or worker, depending of the COORDINATOR environment variable
    • Set JVM Heap Size in /etc/presto/jvm.config
  • Create a Hive Metastore if the HIVE_METASTORE_* environment variables are set


  • Create an image based on Java 8 OpenJDK with Alpine 3.5 (Java is a dependency for Presto Server)
  • Make the image packed with Python 2.7 (Python >2.4 is required by Presto Server)
  • Install Presto Server using the tar.gz file (The rpm require Java 8 Oracle)
  • Setup Presto Server as a single node in the container
  • Add the following catalogs/connectors to the image: BlackHole, JMX & TPCH
  • The entrypoint script configure the container as a coordinator or worker, based on environment variables
  • Create a Makefile to automate all the tasks
  • Create a docker-compose file to create a cluster for testing.
  • Fix Connection refused when trying to connect from a worker to coordinator.
  • Define if create a new image to be the base of presto image. This image will have Java and Python.
  • Integrate with Kubernetes