
Zebar is a tool for creating customizable and cross-platform taskbars, desktop widgets, and popups.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Zebar lets you create customizable and cross-platform taskbars, desktop widgets, and popups.


🔧 Development & how to contribute

Readme contents

  1. Installation
  2. Migration from GlazeWM bar
  3. Intro to Zebar
  4. Providers

⚙️ Installation

Downloads for Windows, MacOS, and Linux are available in the latest release.

A default start script can also be downloaded from the release. Run the script after install to launch the default bar, which will create a config file located at %userprofile%/.glzr/zebar/config.yaml.

➡️ Migration from GlazeWM bar

Modify the following GlazeWM config options (at %userprofile%/.glaze-wm/config.yaml):

  # Add more spacing at the top.
  outer_gap: '45px 20px 20px 20px'

  # Disable the built-in GlazeWM bar.
  enabled: false

  # Ignore the bar window.
  - command: 'ignore'
    match_process_name: '/Zebar/'

➡️ Usage with Komorebi

Modify the float_rules in the Komorebi config options (at %userprofile%/komorebi.json).

  "float_rules": [
      "kind": "Exe",
      "id": "Zebar.exe",
      "matching_strategy": "Equals"

And in the Zebar config (if using the default generated one), replace the GlazeWM element with the following:

      styles: |
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;

        .workspace {
          background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
          margin-right: 4px;
          width: 30px;
          height: 30px;
          color: #ffffffe6;
          border: none;
          border-radius: 2px;

          &.active {
            background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
      providers: ['glazewm']
      template: |
        @for (workspace of komorebi.currentWorkspaces) {
          <button class="workspace {{ workspace === komorebi.focusedWorkspace && 'active' }}">
            {{ workspace.name }}

🌟 Intro to Zebar

There's 3 big differences that set Zebar apart from other similar projects:

  • Styled with HTML + CSS
  • Reactive "providers" for modifying the bar on the fly
  • Templating language

Concept 1: Styled with HTML + CSS

The entire html + css of the bar can be customized via the user config. CSS/SCSS can be added to an element via the styles property, and child divs can be created via template/<id> and group/<id> properties.

A basic config might look like this:

# Define a new window with an ID of 'example', which can then be launched
# by running 'zebar open example'.
  width: '200'
  height: '200'
  position_x: '0'
  position_y: '0'
  styles: |
    background: lightgreen;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
  # Add a child div for showing CPU usage. It uses the CPU provider to
  # get a variable for the current usage (more on that below).
    providers: ['cpu']
    template: |
      <p>{{ cpu.usage }}</p>

Running zebar open example in a terminal will create an instance of this window config. It'll launch a 200x200 window in the corner of the screen where the CPU changes over time.

The resulting window and underlying HTML from the above config.

group/<id> properties are used to add a child div, whereas template/<id> properties are used to add a child div that can have a custom HTML template. group/<id> properties can be nested infinitely, whereas template/<id> properties cannot be nested. The order of these config properties matters as can be seen from the resulting HTML (pic 3).

  width: '200'
  height: '200'
  position_x: '0'
  position_y: '0'
          template: |
            <span>The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell</span>
            <img src="https://google.com/mitochondria.jpg">
    template: |
      <span>Another template</span>

The resulting HTML from the above config.

Concept 2: Reactive "providers"

Rather than having predefined components (eg. a cpu component, battery component, etc), Zebar instead introduces providers. Providers are a collection of functions and/or variables that can change over time. When a variable changes, it'll cause a reactive change wherever it is used in the config.

  providers: ['cpu', 'memory']
  width: '200'
  height: '200'
  # Set position of the window to be based off current memory/cpu usage. We
  # need to round the values since `position_x` and `position_y` only accept
  # whole numbers.
  position_x: '{{ Math.round(cpu.usage) }}'
  position_y: '{{ Math.round(memory.usage) }}'
    template: |
      CPU usage: {{ cpu.usage }}
      Memory usage: {{ memory.usage}}

The above will create a window that jumps around the screen whenever cpu and memory usage changes. All config properties are reactive to changes in providers.

Providers "trickle down", meaning that a provider declared on a parent element (eg. window/example) will be available to any elements below (eg. template/cpu-and-memory). So we don't have to repeat declaring a CPU provider if we need it in multiple places; instead move the provider to a parent element.

Providers can also optionally take some config options. For example, the CPU provider refreshes every 5 seconds by default but that can be changed by defining the providers as such:

    - type: 'cpu'
      refresh_interval: 3000
    - type: 'weather'
      latitude: 51.509865
      longitude: -0.118092

A full list of providers and their configs is available here.

Lastly, concept 3: Templating language

Zebar's templating language has support for interpolation tags, if-else statements, for-loops, and switch statements. Just like providers, the templating syntax can be used on any config property (this includes switch, if-else statements etc).

Interpolation tags

  providers: ['weather']
  # Window is only resizable when there is nice weather.
  resizable: "{{ weather.status === 'sunny_day' }}"

Any arbitrary JavaScript is accepted within interpolation tags (eg. {{ Math.random() }}). However, it'll only re-evaluated when a provider changes.

    providers: ['weather']
    # Template will only change when weather temperature variable is updated.
    template: |
      <span>Random number: {{ Math.random() }}</span>
      <span>Temperature: {{ weather.celsiusTemp }}</span>

If-else statements

    providers: ['weather']
    styles: |
      .hot {
        color: red;
    template: |
      @if (weather.celsiusTemp > 30) {
        <p class="hot">It's hot yo</p>
      } @else if (weather.celsiusTemp > 20) {
        <p>It's not that bad</p>
      } @else {
        <p>It's chilly here</p>


    template: |
      @for (fruit of ['apple', 'orange', 'pineapple']) {
        <span>{{ fruit }}</span>

Switch statements

    providers: ['weather']
    template: |
      @switch (weather.status) {
        @case ('clear_day') {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_sunny"></i>}
        @case ('cloudy_day') {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_cloudy"></i>}
        @case ('snow_day') {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_snow"></i>}
        @default {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_sunny"></i>}

🧩 Providers


Provider config

Option Description Option type Default value
refresh_interval How often this provider refreshes in milliseconds. number 5000


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
chargePercent Battery charge as a percentage of maximum capacity (aka. 'state of charge'). Returned value is between 0 to 100. number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
healthPercent Condition of the battery as a percentage of perfect health. Returned value is between 0 to 100. number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
cycleCount Number of charge/discharge cycles. number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
state State of the battery. 'discharging' | 'charging' | 'full' | 'empty' | 'unknown' microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
isCharging Whether the battery is in a charging state. boolean microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
timeTillEmpty Approximate time in milliseconds till battery is empty. number | null microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
timeTillFull Approximate time in milliseconds till battery is fully charged. number | null microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
powerConsumption Battery power consumption in watts. number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
voltage Battery voltage. number | null microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Provider config

Option Description Option type Default value
refresh_interval How often this provider refreshes in milliseconds. number 5000


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
frequency TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
usage TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
logicalCoreCount TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
physicalCoreCount TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
vendor TODO string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Provider config

Option Description Option type Default value
refresh_interval How often this provider refreshes in milliseconds. number 1000


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
new Current date/time as a JavaScript Date object. Uses new Date() under the hood. Date microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
now Current date/time as milliseconds since epoch. Uses Date.now() under the hood. number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
iso Current date/time as an ISO-8601 string (eg. 2017-04-22T20:47:05.335-04:00). Uses date.toISOString() under the hood. string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Function Description Return type Supported OS
toFormat Format a given date/time into a custom string format. Refer to table of tokens for available date/time tokens.


- toFormat(now, 'yyyy LLL dd') -> 2023 Feb 13
- toFormat(now, "HH 'hours and' mm 'minutes'") -> 20 hours and 55 minutes


- now: number Date/time as milliseconds since epoch.
- format: string Custom string format.
string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Provider config

GlazeWM provider doesn't take any config options.


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
workspacesOnMonitor TODO Workspace[] microsoft icon


Provider config

Option Description Option type Default value
refresh_interval How often this provider refreshes in milliseconds. number 60000


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
hostname Name used to identify the device in various network-related activities. string | null microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
osName Name of the operating system. This is Darwin on MacOS, Windows on Windows, or the Linux distro name retrieved from either /etc/os-release or /etc/lsb-release (eg. Debian GNU/Linux on Debian). string | null microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
osVersion Operating system version. This is the version number on MacOS (eg. 13.2.1), the major version + build number on Windows (eg. 11 22000), or the Linux distro version retrieved from either /etc/os-release or /etc/lsb-release (eg. 9 on Debian 9). string | null microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
friendlyOsVersion Friendly name of operating system version (eg. MacOS 13.2.1, Windows 10 Pro, Linux Debian GNU/Linux 9). string | null microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
bootTime Time when the system booted since UNIX epoch in milliseconds (eg. 1699452379304). string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
uptime Time in milliseconds since boot. string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Provider config

Option Description Option type Default value
refresh_interval How often this provider refreshes in milliseconds. number 3600000


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
address TODO string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
approxCity TODO string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
approxCountry TODO string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
approxLatitude TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
approxLongitude TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Provider config

Option Description Option type Default value
refresh_interval How often this provider refreshes in milliseconds. number 5000


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
usage TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
freeMemory TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
usedMemory TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
totalMemory TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
freeSwap TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
usedSwap TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
totalSwap TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Provider config

Monitors provider doesn't take any config options.


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
primary TODO MonitorInfo | undefined microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
secondary TODO MonitorInfo[] microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
all TODO MonitorInfo[] microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Provider config

Option Description Option type Default value
refresh_interval How often this provider refreshes in milliseconds. number 5000


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
interfaces TODO NetworkInterface[] microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Provider config

Self provider doesn't take any config options.


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
args Args used to open the window. Record<string, string> microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
env Environment variables when window was opened. Record<string, string> microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
providers Map of this element's providers and their variables. Record<string, unknown> microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
id ID of this element. string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
type Type of this element. ElementType microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
rawConfig Unparsed config for this element. unknown microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
parsedConfig Parsed config for this element. WindowConfig | GroupConfig | TemplateConfig microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
globalConfig Global user config. GlobalConfig microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon


Provider config

Option Description Option type Default value
refresh_interval How often this provider refreshes in milliseconds. number 3600000
latitude Latitude to retrieve weather for. If not provided, latitude is instead estimated based on public IP. number | undefined undefined
longitude Longitude to retrieve weather for. If not provided, longitude is instead estimated based on public IP. number | undefined undefined


Variable Description Return type Supported OS
address TODO string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
approxCity TODO string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
approxCountry TODO string microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
approxLatitude TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon
approxLongitude TODO number microsoft iconapple iconlinux icon