
A NodeJs API for the Natours Application

Primary LanguageHTML

Natours API

The API for Natours allows users to query for different results by setting the query string in the url.

Filtering by fields

You can filter results by fields using the following format in the query string:


For example: ?difficulty=medium

You can also chain filters using '&'.

For example: ?difficulty=medium&duration=5


You can also filter using comparison operators such as >, >=, <, <=.

Operator Filter
> gt
>= gte
< lt
<= lte



The following query returns results with duration >= 7. ?duration[gte]=7


You can sort results by setting the sort property to the corresponding field in the query string.


For example: ?sort=price

The above query sorts the results by price in the ascending order.

To return results in the descending order, just add a minus (-) in front of the field name.

For example: ?sort=-price

Chaining fields

If you want to sort by multiple fields, you can chain them with a comma ( , ). Fields are prioritized in the order in which they appear. Additional field names are used only when there is a tie between two results.

For example: ?sort=-price,ratings

Limiting fields (or Projecting)

When querying for results, it is important for users to select only the fields they require to save bandwidth.

You can either include or exclude a field in the results.

To include or exclude fields, you set the field names as the value for the fields property. To project multiple fields, chain them using the comma (,).

Including fields



For example: ?fields=name,images

Excluding fields

To exclude fields, attach a minus (-) in front of the field name.

For example: ?fields=-email

Limiting the amount of results (or Pagination)

You can limit the amount of results by setting the page and limit fields in the query string. The values of the fields must be integers.

Field Type Usage Default value
page integer Sets the page number 1
limit integer Sets the number of results per page 10



For example: ?page=2&limit=10

The above query returns returns results 11-20.