A web application to represent COVID 19 patient and contact data as a graph.
- To map the spread of the disease.
- To identify clusters of disease spread.
- Differently shaped nodes for import and contact cases.
- A graph each for each district.
- Details of a case should be visible on hovering over the node. No need of name. Age, gender, local body/panchayat. Train/flight details if person is a traveler.
- Input from Excel file to generate graph.
- Plot graph on an interactive map.
- --
- Add user authentication
- Show "Person added successfully message" after new person is added.
- Add update person details functionality.
- When node is added with same name as existing node, return appropriate message.
- When link is added, check if nodes exist.
Add different colors for nodes based on status.- Make graph interactive using d3.
- Use selection box for create link fields.
- Add appropriate icons
- Updating using admin panel does not update the json file, only the database.
- Links have to be deleted when a node is deleted through Django admin.
- Clone the repository.
- Install Anaconda.
- Create a virtual environment using conda
- Activate the virtual environment.
- Install Django, NetworkX and matplotlib:
pip3 install django
pip3 install networkx
pip3 install matplotlib
- Install MySQL. (Don't create a new user.) Set password as 'passforMySQL123#'.
- Start MySQL (Run this each time you restart your computer.):
sudo service mysql start
- Create a database in mysql called 'graphCoV'.
- Run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
pip3 install mysqlclient
- To test your installation, navigate to the folder with 'manage.py' and run:
python3 manage.py runserver
- Open 'localhost:8000' in a browser window.
- If it works, stop the server and create a superuser:
python3 manage.py createsuperuser