
README FILE: Linux setup for Oracle Software Installation

oracle readiness for Oracle Database software install

This Ansible Playbook can help you to to setup necessary configuration for installating Oracle Database software into the Linux environemnt. Please make sure you modify the necessary variables as per your own setup. Always play/test into lower setup multiple times before implementing into the actual live system.

Summary Steps with this Ansible playbook are as below : 

1. Set kernel parameters
2. Install required operating system packages
3. Disable firewalls
4. Create necessary OS groups and users
5. Create necessary OS users
6. Set up shell limit for oracle user
7. Set up shell limit for grid user
8. Update /etc/hosts file entry
9. Create required directories
10.configure user equivalence
11. Install Oracle Pre-Install RPM
12. Editing profile entries

Tree Structure for this playbook is as below -


  • OS: OEL 7.5
  • Ansible: ansible 2.7.6
  • Database Version: Oracle 21.3 Linux64

Master Playbook:


role with this playbook:

roles tasks
linux_oracle.yml settings for installing Oracle Database
[root@oel75 ansible]# cat linux_oracle.yml
- hosts: opsdev
  user: root

   - linuxfororacle_prep

Tree structure of this playbook

 tree /etc/ansible/roles/linuxfororacle_prep
├── tasks
│   ├── create_required_dirs.yml
│   ├── grid_bash_profile.yml
│   ├── grid_users.yml
│   ├── main.yml
│   ├── oracle_bash_profile.yml
│   ├── oracle_cp_preinstallfile.yml
│   ├── oracle_db_preinstallfile.yml
│   ├── oracle_disable_firewall.yml
│   ├── oracle_grid_shell_limit.yml
│   ├── oracle_groups.yml
│   ├── oracle_host_fileupdate.yml
│   ├── oracle_kernelparams.yml
│   ├── oracle_packages.yml
│   ├── oracle_ssh_equi.yml
│   ├── oracle_users_shell_limit.yml
│   └── oracle_users.yml
├── templates
│   └── oracle-database-preinstall-19c-1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
└── vars
    └── main.yml

Summary commands:

Configure an Ansible inventory file (example as below)

[root@oel75 ansible]# cat ansible.cfg | grep inventory
inventory = ./inventory
[root@oel75 ansible]# cat inventory


Note: Modify variables based on you setup or your requirements.

Run the playbook role "cdb_pdb_create.yml"

ansible-playbook cdb_pdb_create.yml  

ansible-playbook linux_oracle.yml --check 
ansible-playbook linux_oracle.yml --check --diff

Sample Run:
[root@oel75 ansible]# ansible-playbook linux_oracle.yml

PLAY [opsdev] ***************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************************************
ok: [opsdev]

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : display pre installation of setting up Linux  software message] *********************
ok: [opsdev] => {
    "msg": [
        "This playbook is for setting Oracle  database software 19c at 2019-09-14T22:57:45Z:"

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : setup necessary kernel parameters] **************************************************
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'fs.file-max', u'value': 6815744})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'kernel.sem', u'value': u'250 32000 100 128'})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'kernel.shmmni', u'value': 4096})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'kernel.shmall', u'value': 1073741824})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'kernel.shmmax', u'value': 4398046511104})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'kernel.panic_on_oops', u'value': 1})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'net.core.rmem_default', u'value': 262144})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'net.core.rmem_max', u'value': 4194304})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'net.core.wmem_default', u'value': 262144})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'net.core.wmem_max', u'value': 1048576})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter', u'value': 2})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter', u'value': 2})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'fs.aio-max-nr', u'value': 1048576})
ok: [opsdev] => (item={u'name': u'net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range', u'value': u'9000 65500'})

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : Install required libraries] *********************************************************
ok: [opsdev]

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : Stop and disable FIREWALLD] *********************************************************
ok: [opsdev]

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : Create user] ************************************************************************
changed: [opsdev] => (item=dba)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=oinstall)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=oper)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=asmdba)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=asmdba)

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : Create user] ************************************************************************
changed: [opsdev] => (item=dba)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=oinstall)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=oper)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=asmdba)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=asmdba)

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : Add oracle user limits] *************************************************************
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'soft', u'type': u'nofile', u'value': 4096})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'hard', u'type': u'nofile', u'value': 65536})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'soft', u'type': u'nproc', u'value': 2047})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'hard', u'type': u'nproc', u'value': 16384})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'soft', u'type': u'stack', u'value': 10240})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'hard', u'type': u'stack', u'value': 32768})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'soft', u'type': u'memlock', u'value': 1887437})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'hard', u'type': u'memlock', u'value': 1887437})

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : Add grid user limits] ***************************************************************
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'soft', u'type': u'nofile', u'value': 4096})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'hard', u'type': u'nofile', u'value': 65536})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'soft', u'type': u'nproc', u'value': 2047})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'hard', u'type': u'nproc', u'value': 16384})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'soft', u'type': u'stack', u'value': 10240})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'hard', u'type': u'stack', u'value': 32768})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'soft', u'type': u'memlock', u'value': 1887437})
changed: [opsdev] => (item={u'limit': u'hard', u'type': u'memlock', u'value': 1887437})

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : Update the /etc/hosts file with node name] ******************************************
changed: [opsdev] => (item=opsdev)

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : create required directories] ********************************************************
changed: [opsdev] => (item=/u02)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=/u02/stage)
changed: [opsdev] => (item=/u02/app)

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : SSH KeyGen command] *****************************************************************
ok: [opsdev]

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : Fetch the keyfile from one server to another] ***************************************
ok: [opsdev]

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : Copy the key add to authorized_keys using Ansible module] ***************************

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : copy database pre install file to the target database server] ***********************
changed: [opsdev] => (item=oracle-database-preinstall-19c-1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm)

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : install predbinstall rpm from a local file] *****************************************
changed: [opsdev]

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : bash_profile for oracle user] *******************************************************
changed: [opsdev]

TASK [linuxfororacle_prep : bash_profile for oracle grid] *******************************************************
changed: [opsdev]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************
opsdev                     : ok=17   changed=10   unreachable=0    failed=0

! Please do modify based on your own setup. This is purely based on my own lab setup. You can ask me any questions in relate to these playbooks - if you fork and modify to merge - let me know.